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What am I supposed to do,he wants to be part of my...well our babies life.He was under a potion from Pansy to make me even more jealous about them being together which makes no sense but then again it's Pansy and she dose not make sense as a person on her own so.


"Y/n please just let me be in this babies life please,I just want what's best for her even if it's once a year I see her just please."

"Fine draco...I will think about it but if its a yes the maxis 10-12 times a year you could choose what days but thats it."

"Yes thank you thank you thank you Y/n"

"I said I would think about it Draco and also don't go around telling people I'm pregnant Ginny and Harry are going to say its there baby because i'm too scared to tell people."


"What's wrong baby you look stressed" asked a very worried Hermione 

"Hmm" Y/n said breaking from her day dream 

"You just looked very worried and stressed out"

"Its nothing Mione just tired that's all"

"Ok well I'm going to go to get a shower and Ginny snuck out to get drinks and food for the mini fridge whilst everyone is in lesson so why don't you try and get some sleep"

"I'll try but I swear the baby is using my organs as a punching bag"

"Got it from her mum according to Mrs Weasley you were the same"

"Been asking about me Granger"

"N-n-nn-o" She flushed a Dark shade of red and quickly ran to the bathroom to get in the shower

You chuckled and climbed into bed but as you were about to fall asleep a sobbing Ginny burst through the door 

You shot up and went all defensive twin mode

"Hey Hey Ginny what happened"

You climbed out of bed and ran over to her incasing her in a hug despite the baby kicking and causing you pain

"H-Harry cheated on me" she said through sobs 

"WHAT" you put on a big oversized jumper that covers your bump and ran out the dorm to the classroom Harry was in 

"Excuse me Profesour but the Headmaster wishes to see Potter"

Harry face dropped because over the years he's  learnt to tell when your lying and to his supprise it was one of these moments 

"Yes of course Mrs Y/L/N off you go Mr Potter"

You both walked down the hall and Harry started thinking mabye he was wrong until he waas dragged down a abbandoned hall and pinned against the wall

"Listen here Potter and listen good because I'm only going to say it once if you ever and I mean ever hurt Ginny or any of my family or friends for this matter I will put you 6 feet under even if that mean I get bannished from Hogwarts I couldnt care less so listen to me you going to appologise to Ginny because trust me if you even think about doing this again I will not be scared to hurt you even if I am pregnant I will fucking drag your ass down to the lake and feed you to the mermaids.Understand?"

"Y-" he was cut off 

"That was a question you dont answer Potter if you couldnt tell" 

you let go of him and walked him back to the classroom telling the teacher you were sorry for disturbing the lesson but before you left you gave Harry one last death stare because even if he was your bestfriend you weren't scared to start a fight with him when it came to your sister 

Secret Crush  Hermione Granger x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now