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"Well it may sound stupid but I could talk to Harry ask him if we can pretend the baby is ours until your ready to tell everyone" Ginny says whilst hugging you

"Are you sure Ginny but even if you do my bump will show and everyone will soon find out" You say whilst sobbing into Ginny's chest 

"Well we both just wont go to class and get Harry to drop our work off we can tell Mione what happened since you share a dorm and we will ask them to bring our meals up we can also speak to Dumbledore and tell him what happened so he can tell the other teachers what will be happening"

"But wont Draco get expelled from Hogwarts"

"Only if you wont him to Y/n"

"Ok can we go speak to Dumbledore and get this over with"

Your both on your way to talk to Dumbledore when you see Draco 

You hide behind Ginny when he notices you because your scared to go near any boy especially him

Ginny holds your hand to comfort you and holds her wand in the other hand down by her side to show she will protect you from him

You make it past Draco and let out a breath you didn't know you were holding

You get to Dumbledore's office and tell him everything and he is fine with the plan you have come up with and says he will tell the teachers and despite what Draco has done you felt bad getting him expelled form Hogwarts so you told Dumbledore to leave him at Hogwarts

You walked back to your dorm and as soon as you closed the door you started crying.You slid your back down the door and put your head in you knees.Just then the bathroom door unlocked and Hermione walked out

"Y/n is that-oh my god Y/n are you ok"

She rushed over to you and sat on the floor pulling you into a hug 

Once you caught your breath you told her how you were pregnant with Draco's baby  and that you cant go to lessons and the entire plan 

"Y/n don't worry it will be ok were all here for you,do you wanna go down to the common room so you can see everyone before your bump gets too big soon"

"Sure but will the boys be there"

"Ye but don't worry they wont hurt you"

You start walking to the common room but when you get there you freeze.Harry and Ron started to walk towards you but you started to back away.

You ran up to your dorm and started crying,you were scared of your brother and best friend

You started to cry into your pillow and before you knew it you were asleep



entire words-2,843

song-lovely (tagged at the top of the page"

Secret Crush  Hermione Granger x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now