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Song-Before he cheats by Carrie Underwood

You both decide on a film called Lez Bomb.

You both decide on a film called Lez Bomb

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"Hey mione wanna play truth or drink??"

"Were under age Y/n"

"So no one gotta know it will be our little secret pwease"

You do puppy dog eyes because you know Hermione can't resist if u do that

"Errrrr fine"

"Yay ok whos your crush?"

she took a shot of fire wiskey that Fred and George smuggled to your dorm a few days ago

"Okay y/n whos your crush?"

"If I'm honest I don't have one"

"Oh ok oh i learnt how to make Amortentia wanna see who we smell"

"YES!!"you shouted causing Hermione to giggle

You loved Hermione's giggle it was so cute and sweet and could make voldy moldy smile which says something.

She makes 2 Amortentia's so you can both do smell it at the same time.

You smell Hermione but don't say anything

"Y/n please can you move back a bit I can smell your perfume"

"Hermione I'm not wearing perfume today I didn't yesterday either so its not a left over smell"

Hermione looked at you in shock and you just sat there

"Hermione I'm not going to lie to you I smelt you in the potion"

Hermione just smiles and you sit there confused for 2 minuets before Hermione gets up and sits next to you before moving a piece of your hair out of the way

Before you knew you were almost touching lips and you wanted to kiss her but before you could she kissed you and you kissed back

The kiss was soft and passionate like you both wanted it but wanted to be gentle at the same time

You both pulled away and just smiled at each other before deciding to take a nap together

"Night beautiful" you said to Hermione before kissing her on the head

"Night *you come up with a nickname*"

You both fell asleep


Sorry I have not been posting I have been busy with school and had some issues outside of that so ye but I'm back to posting and I'm gonna start song recommendations and a word count so you know how many words you have read and then an entire word count of how many words in the whole story you have read.

word count for this part-474 words

word count for entire story-1,916

song recommendation-before he cheats

Secret Crush  Hermione Granger x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now