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You wake up to your alarm it was 6:30 am 

You got out of bed put on your robes,tie,shirt and skirt with your shoes curled your hair and put on light makeup

You headed down to breakfast since your bump wasn't big yet so you still had to go to lesson

You buttered some toast and sat down with The Golden Trio and Ginny 

You felt like you were gonna be sick

"I'm gonna be sick"

You rushed to the bathroom Ginny and Mione followed behind you Ginny tied your hair back and Mione rubbed your back whilst you were throwing up 

"Morning sickness is the worst" you said after finished being sick

You brushed you teeth and put some gum in your mouth 


It was the end of the day and you were heading to your dorm but when you walked into the common room you saw something you weren't expecting

Ron and Hermione were stood in front of the fire kissing.....

You ran to Ginny's dorm tears flooding your eyes

You could hear Hermione running after you 

You reached her door ran in and locked it so Hermione couldn't get in


Y/n walked in on me and Ron kissing

No No No No No No

She ran up the stairs and I followed her she beat me though and locked the door 

(back to you)

You told Ginny what happened and she comforted you because she knows how much you like her 

All of a sudden you hear someone say alohomora

Hermione opens the door and immediately started to apologize to you

You told her its ok and she can date whoever she wants 

You walked over to Ginny's bed and laid down Ginny left the room so you and Hermione could talk

She sat down on the bed with you and told her how they were playing truth or dare and he dared her to 

She told you she didn't like him at all just then u felt her hand turn u around so u were on your back

You made up and then she went down to your stomach kissed it and started talking to the baby

She laid between your legs and rested her head on your stomach and continued to talk to the baby but then Mione started talking to the baby about how much of an amazing mother there going to have and just saying really nice stuff about us

You started to smile when Mione got up and grabbed your hand and took you back to the dorm you share so Ginny could have her room back

You both climbed into bed and Mione cuddled up to you and started to fall asleep in your arms whilst you played with her hair she fell asleep in your arms and 10 minuets later you fell asleep too



entire word-3,314

song-watch (linked at the top of the page)

Secret Crush  Hermione Granger x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now