chapter 1

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Urauka's POV

Hey! Deku!

There he was, the cute, green haired boy she has had a crush on since the entrance exams. She had caught him from tripping when the first entered the ua building. And he had saved her from a giant robot crushing her. And they had been friends ever since.

Now they were at the front entrance meeting up with there friend tenya lida. Once they got to class they saw none other than katsuki bakugou also known as kachan to izuku midoriya or deku as she calls him in a fond sort of way, bakugou calls him deku as a bully name. But its also izuku's hero name. One that he is proud of.

" all right class take your seats " Mr. Aizawa said in a tired voice as always. " all right class today we will be working on Controlling your quirks better, so head off and go get changed into your hero costumes and meet me outside " I grab my hero suit, go change, and then headed outside.

" before we start I have something to say " Mr. aizawa said. " you will only be working together if necessary " " that's all now get to work "

I went over to an open space to see how long I could float my self for.

" alright everyone go change and head to lunch " Mr. Aizawa said after about 45 minutes or so. I went to the locker room and changed my way out I see deku walking with idA. my heart skipped a beat at the sight of deku. " hey guys! " I say running up to them. " oh hey urauka " deku said. " hello urauka how was your practice? Did you make any progress? " Ida asked " yea I I creased the time I can float myself for a little bit still have a ways to go " I said " What about you deku? " yea I just need alot more practice that's all " he said with a smile. My heart skipped a beat.

As we made our way to the classroom I couldn't stop thinking if deku liked me back or not. And if he didn't and I confessed we may not be friends anymore and I don't want that to happen, I can't have that happen.

Hey guys! Thank you for reading!!! I know its short but I will make chapters longer from now on!!! This is my first story so please keep that in mind! :D bye for now!!! Have a good day everybody!!! ( btw I am not expecting anymore than 10 reads so if it does I will be extremely surprised ) I will be editing some times so please keep in mind! It might be a little boring at first but it will get better as the story goes on!

Word count: 444

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