chapter 5

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Urauka POV

After we got back from the beach I was thinking of my feelings for deku. " how do I make them stop? "  I thought about it I little then had a idea. " i'll just have to ho talk to mins about it "   then I went to go ask lida about the upcoming test. After a wile oXf talking deku walked up. " do you know what's going to be in the upcoming test? " he asks us " no but knowing ua I know its going to be a challenge! " lida said. Doing his weird chopping movements. " well if that's what it takes to be hero's! " I say excitedly! We get back to the dorms then I shower and change, I lay on my bed and text mina.

Me: hey mina? Ya there?

Mina: yeah what's up?

Me: can we talk?

Mina: sure when?

Me: how about 6?

Mina: sounds good! See ya then!

Me: see ya!

I look at the clock it's around 5 right now. Then I hear a knocking on my door. " coming! " I half yell, I open the door to see bakugou. " Why would he be here? " I thought " pink cheeks it's time for dinner " he grunted the. Walked away probably to go get everybody else for dinner. I go down stairs to see denki, kirishima, and asui. " hi guys!!! " I say as I walk up to them. I pause misstep because I smell some Delicious curry. " OMG THAT SMELLS DELICIOUS " I say quite loudly " doesn't it? " asui asks me " its kinda amazing of how well bakugou can cook " denki says I take a seat and we talk until bakugou is back to serve dinner. After dinner I look at the time and its 5:45. I went to my room to think for a couple minutes before going over to mina's room.

As I am walking to her room I was thinking " is this a good idea? " I just wasn't sure.  I arrived at her door And knock. " coming! " I hear her yell. She opens the door " come on in urauka! " she says " so what do you want to talk about? " she asks happily " well you know how I said I don't like deku? "  I ask " yeah " she says like she knows what I am about to say " well I guess I was wrong I think I do witch is why.......... " " you want me to help you ask him out! " she excitedly finishes mg sentence. " no actually I want you to tell me how make the feelings go away. " I say then a look of shock and disappointment comes across her face. " well why would you want to do that? " she asks

" well if I confess to him that I like him And he doesn't like me back that will be awkward and might ruin our friendship and I really don't want that to happen " I say hoping she has an answer I can use. " well the only way I know to make the feelings go away is to confess " she says then he face lit up and a bright idea came into mind. " I know! You can confess by putting a note in his locker but not telling him it's you! " she says excitedly. " wait what? I don't get what you mean? " I ask confused " Well you could put a note saying you like him one day, then the next you say what you like about him and then as the days go by you could come up with the courage to ask him out! " she says. All I could think is that this plan was crazy might work. " alright well thanks for the advice mina. " I say thanking her " no problem! Anytime! " she say then I leave her room and close the door behind me.

I get back to my room and notice its 6:45 which mean its almost time for the sleepover.

I am sorry its short but I wanted to get it out as soon as possible cause I took so long before. I don't know when the next chapter will come out cause I have a little writers block and am trying to figure out how the plot will work but thank you so much for staying with me and reading my very crappy story. I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!!

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