chapter 12

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Urauka's POV

After what felt like hours they gave me some food and a bit of water. The food didn't really taste good but I was so hungry I ate it anyways. the ground was cold, damp, and dirty. But I was ok because he hasn't hurt me in anyway physically or mentally. Emotionally I was scared and sad. But most of all guilty. I could protect myself or deku or anybody else for that matter! I was a failure. " what kind of a hero am I? " I think with sadness. " what am I gonna do?! There's nothing I can do! " then an idea pops into my mind. " it might work! But Not wile the villain is here " I thought as I look up to see him looking right at me. " I have to wait till he leaves to get my food before I try to escape " just as my mind was made up when I would try to escape. He started to talk. " you have a plan don't you? Well no matter. " he said I glare at him. " I have to stay strong! For deku! For everyone! " I thought as he continued. " you'll never escape. Not with those iron bars. Your quirk is useless against those. And your useless without your quirk " he said but I didn't lose hope. " why do I need a quirk to be useful? " I ask trying to get him to talk and give me information. " haha my dear your trying to get me to talk aren't you? Well you'll be out of here soon enough. " he said with a chuckle. " wait how do you know? " I say silently panicking. " I sent your little friend our location. And soon the pro's will be here. And you'll have to say good bye......" He said trailing off.
" what Do you mean good bye? " I ask hoping it's not what I think it is. " oh you'll see soon enough " he said and again I'm eternally panicking. " I'll just have to escape before they come rescue me " I think to myself as he smiles. " what are you smiling at? " I ask still glaring at him. " oh nothing my dear nothing at all " he says and I can't help but frown. " I hope in the end everyone's alright "

                                        Deku's POV

" so your telling me you found this on door of the common rooms?  " aizawa sensei said. " yes so I think we should at least do a little recon on it to see if it's actually the place. " I say hoping that this villain is actually telling the truth. " the villain is toying with us " says all might. " yes but if we can figure put how to plan a step ahead instead of a step behind then we just might be able to pull this off! " I say trying to get there heads in the game. " yes problem child but we would still be playing into there hands on there turf! " aizawa argued. " I know but what other option do we have " I say more calmly. " ugh! I know we have no other option! " he said exasperated. " we just have to plan there attacks according to the structure and do the best we can I say. Oh and in case you were wonder I'm currently in a hero meeting discussing our plan to save Urauka. And luckily ashido is aloud on the mission. " ok how about we do this " I say * explains plan * " great idea young midoriya! " all might said " yeah not bad " says lock lock guy. ( I forgot his hero name ) " alright let's go over it again to make sure we have it correct and if we need to make any changes to it " aizawa says. " right! " I say as we go over it over and over. With a few changes it's now complete. After everybody left except me and Mr. Aizawa. " hey Mr. Aizawa do you mind if I take a copy of the building structure back to my dorm so that I can review the plan a couple mire times to be sure " I say hoping he will accept my request. " yeah I guess hold on a second wile a get a spare " he said as he walked into a small side room in the hallway to fetch an extra. " here " he said " thanks Mr. Aizawa " I say. " yeah whatever "  he says as I walk out and back to the dorms. Once I get there I get mina and we get the others so we can update the plan now that I have the building structure.

After everybody was gathered and we were all safely back to my dorm we started to make the new plan. " are you sure we'll be able to pull this off tomorrow night midoriya? " kirishima asked.
" no but we'll have to try " I say not sounding to sure. " we have to for Urauka! " Toru said " yeah! " we shout quietly. Then we get back to making the rest of the plan. " I just hope that this will be enough " I thought before we got deep into the plan.

We had to take a break around 6 to eat dinner so we would seem suspicious. After we ate we each slowly headed back to my dorm. Luckily the teachers were all busy setting up for the rescue plan to notice us planning a mission of our own. At around 8 we finally got our plan finished and headed off to bed. Because we had a long day ahead of us. But when I tried to fall asleep.........I couldn't. " I hope your ok " I thought " I miss you.........more than you'd know " then I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up at 7 deciding to go get some breakfast. I go downstairs to see everybody on the couch with breakfast. I get my breakfast and head to sit down. " hey guys " I say as I go to sit down. " so how did you sleep? " asked todoroki " fine " I say as start to eat. But I didn't eat much because of my nerves. " am I seriously doing this? " my nerves are through the roof. " yes I am. I have to! " I say to myself. " hey mido bro? You ok? " kirishima asked " yeah I'm fine " I say looking back down towards my food. " hey midoriya? Can I talk to you for a second? " lida asked " sure " I answer. We walk away from the group. " what are you planning midoriya? " he asks " what are you talking about lida? " I ask trying to play dumb. " your more nervous than you usually are. And that's saying something " he says seeing right through me. " yeah well i'm just extra nervous because it's Urauka. " I say trying my hardest to convince him. " no midoriya stop lying! I know when my best friend is doing something stupid. " he says " just know that if you need to talk don't be afraid to ask. I am your friend after all. " he says " yeah I will " I say but I can't, there's no way around this. So I go back, finished whatever food I can fit in my knotted stomach, and head back to my room to get. A bit more sleep.

When I woke up again finally well rested it was noon. Which meant I have to go eat lunch, or at least try. And get the rest of the secret rescue team ready to discuss the plan again.

Once everyone is here I review the plan again according to what we discussed yesterday. We had it down in our memories. So me and mina left and I told them that I would text them when to get to get into position. They all left so I could change into my hero costume, after I did I met mina in the common room.

We stopped about a block away from the building. It was about 8 o'clock. I texted the others to get ready to get into position. We waited 2 hours, and we were gonna start moving on in. I quickly text them to get into position. Hopefully without anybody noticing. We get to the Maine entrance and unsurprisingly it was locked. So mina stepped up and removed the door using Her acid.
Then we quietly file in. First all might then Mr. Aizawa, then me, then fat gum, Then mina and lock lock. We decided to use mina's acid instead of lock lock. Because we didn't want it relocking on us. After we all get inside the lights turn on and to our surprise we see the villain and tied next to him was.......................urauka!? "

Hey guys! Happy Easter! Well if you celebrate Easter that is. But anyway yeah I'm trying to do cliffhangers but I don't think it's working.😕 oh well. But anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it's short but I really wanted to post on Easter so enjoy!

Word count: 1477

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