chapter 7

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   Deku's POV

I woke up around 7 and decided to eat some breakfast, so I went get up and saw uruaka sleeping peacefully. " She look so cute " I thought. I noticed my self starring and mentally smacked myself for being a creep like mineta. I got up went to pantry grabbed some cereal then went to the fridge to get some milk. Then stopped and remembered kaminari drank milk straight out of the carton and decided to put the milk back. Kirishima woke up and came up from behind him and said. " woah bro no milk? " I replied " yesterday I say him drink it straight out of the carton and decided against milk " kirishim froze in the middle of pour the milk in his own cereal. " yeah I'm not hungry anymore " he says. I laugh. Then I look back over at urauka and I can't help but admire how pretty she looked wile she was sleeping. And apparently he had been starring a little too long because kirishima noticed and said. " so you like urauka then huh? " and I froze. " is it obvious? " I ask worried. " yeah but she hasn't noticed yet but I'm pretty sure most of the class knows " he said " please don't tell anybody even if they already know " I plead because I don't want her to find out before I tell her. " no problem dude I got you " he says " hey kirishima I have a question I would like to ask " I say " go right ahead dude! " he says  " do like kachan? " I say. and he freezes " am I obvious? " he asks " no  I just guessed " i say

Everybody started waking up one by one and ate. The day went by quickly because i decided to do some studying the walked around town a little. Later in the evening I decided I should have my note ready for tomorrow. I start thinking and can't quite come up with anything to say that won't sound like him. Then he had the perfect idea. After he was done with his note and had it ready for tomorrow I slipped it in my note book, brushed my teeth, and went to bed.

                                      Urauka's POV

After I got up and ate I decided to go to the mall with the girls and I didn't get much but it was lots of fun. After we got back we went to momo's dorm to interrogate her. She said nothing was going on.  We believed her all except for mina. Who would constantly bombarded her with questions. After a wile I decided to go back to my dorm. And thought about what I was gonna write in my note to deku. I couldn't find anything to say that wouldn't sound like it was coming from me. Then i had the perfect thing. So i tucked the note in her night stand and got ready for bed. And went into an amazing sleep.

                                      Deku's POV

I woke up all peachy and then remembered That today was the day I put the note in her locker. A pit instantly formed in my stomach from nervousness. So I started to get ready for school. but right before I did, I made sure to put my notebook wit my note in it in my book bag so that I had it when the time came.

I went downstairs to breakfast and everybody was there except Mina. I made eye contact with urauka and smiled, she smiled back at me and I looked away. The nerves easing a little. Not much but a little. After I was done eating I waited for lida and urauka. We get to our lockers and drop off the books we don't need till later. I get done and notice urauka still at her locker. " oh go ahead deku I will see you in class " she says " alright I guess I will see you later then " I say as I star walking to class with lida. But what I didn't see was urauka slipping a note in my locker.

After the school say ended and I was now walking with lida and urauka. We got to our lockers and uruaka got down getting her books faster than me. " hey deku I gotta go, I'll see ya later right? " she asks " yea see yah! " I say with a smile and it made her smile and my stupid heart skipped a beat. After she was out of the hallway I looked around till nobody was around and took out my note book and slipped my note into her locker. As I was putting my note book away I saw a note that had fallen from my locker. I decided to pick it up. And couldn't decide wether to read it or not. I thought about it for a second and decided to take it to my dorm and read it there.

I get to my dorm and sit on my bed. Thinking of what the note might read. Then I finally mustered up the courage to open the note. And read:

I have liked you for a wile maybe longer than I realize, you might be confused of who I am, and what this note is for.but i can't tell you who i am right now. I just wanted to let you know I like you. Alot and its ok if you don't like me back. I just wonder if we can still be friends after i tell you who I am.

Signed: the person too scared to tell you how I feel

I was in shock.  So I layed down to clear my head for a moment.I was so .any emotions at once. A little giddy, because the girl he had a crush on for who knows how long, then there's disappointment because it might mean she doesn't like him back and somebody else likes him, but then there's hops that it could be both, she likes him but its not her that sent the note. He was so confused and tired from classes. So he continued to lay there and slowly fell asleep.

Hey sorry guys I am such a crappy writer. But this chapter is longer and hopefully the next one is too. And please let me know is you like seeing the word count! Anyways thank you all so much for reading my crappy fanfict. And have a great day!!!!

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