chapter 8

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Urauka's POV

I am currently eating breakfast with the girls as the guys slowly but surely come down, grab some food, and start eating. I then see deku come down and smile at me, My heart flutters as I smile back. He grabs some food then sits with the rest of us in the common room but as he comes down I see him looking a little worried and stressed and todoroki seems to notice too because he started talking to deku about something. Then they continue eating. After a wile I start to think about what was worrying him, and if I should be concerned for him of not. " should I go ask him about it? " I think to myself " would he be mad if I tried to get into his personal life? " I just couldn't decide. But then again deku isn't the person to get mad at people for caring. " alright so after class I think I'll ask him why he was so worried! " I thought right before my thoughts were interrupted by mina talking about school. So it was final. I was going to ask him what's wrong after I get out of class!

Deku's POV

I woke up tired because my thoughts about the note I received had terrorized my dreams, making it almost Impossible to get some good sleep. as I made my way downs stairs I see urauka, I smile at her and my heart flutters as she smiles back. I get something to eat and go sit down. I start to think About what will happen when urauka finds my note. " will she know that its me? " I question myself. And the worry must have shown on my face because todoroki came up to me and asked " are you ok midoriya? " I questioned wether or not to tell him " yea I'm fine why? " I ask acting as if I didn't just have a panic attack. " well you seemed worried and I think I know why " he said " oh? How so? " I ask curious " how about we meet up at my dorm to talk before class real quick " he says " sure " I say as I quickly finish eating and follow him up to his room. After we get there he asks " so is this about your note to urauka? " I stood there shocked " how do you know about that?! " I ask panicking " I saw you putting a note in her locker and connected the dots " he said casually " well your kinda right but I would have to explain it a little " I say questioning wether I should tell him still. " ok well is ten minutes enough? " he asks " because that's how much time until we have to get to class " he continues as I realize the little time I have to explain. " alright well right after I put my note in her locker I found a note in my locker " I say deciding to just tell him because he is my friend, plus I told him about my crush On urauka so what could go wrong. " oh well do you know who it could be? " he asks curiously but patiently. " that's the thing I have no clue who it could be! " I said frustrated, tired, and stressed. " well you shouldn't stress about it because it will just make things worse. " todoroki says calmly " what should I do?l should I keep giving her notes? Should they say the same? " I ask a little calmer but not quite calm yet. " yeah I don't think it will be a problem " he says " ok " I say because I had finally calmed down " hey midoriya? Its been around ten minutes we should get going " he says then I check the clock and realize he's right. " alright lets get to class! " I say feeling a bit Better.

                                      Urauka's POV

I waa with the girls at my locker and I open it up to find a note. " what the heck! "  I am confused, surprised, worried, and hopeful all at the same time. " could it be from deku? No! Why would he like me?! "  but there was still that little hope that it was him that put the note there. " urauka you ok? " jiro asks me " yeah i'm fine! " I say as I hide the note in my backpack and head to class.

After school I hid in my room and opened the note and it said:

you may be wondering who this is and why they sent you this note. Heh. well only one of those can be answered for now atleast. I just want to get this off my chest: I like you! And if and when we meet and it turns out you don't like me back that's fine. But I do still hope we can be friends.

Signed: your secret admirer

To say the least I was shocked. I didn't know what to do so I pushed it out of my mind. Well tried too. As i started on my note to deku. " I think I'll ask him to meet me someplace on the third note. Cause that's what happens in the books and movies right? " I ask myself.

after about an hour of trying to think up a note to give to deku I decided to take a break and go downstairs to see what everyone was doing. " I wonder if deku is there "  I think to myself right before I seee deli sitting on the couch with lida, kirishima, bakugou, and todoroki. " speak of the devil " I say to myself as I head to the kitchen to get some dinner. I walk over and sit down in a chair. And set my food down on the coffee table in front of me and started eating. " hey guys whatcha talkin' about? " I ask as I take a bite of food. " n n-nothing " deku answers " you sure? " I ask curious of why he is acting so weird. " really its nothing urauka, just some guy stuff " kirishima says wile he tries to smile convincingly, we're just gonna say it didn't convince her one bit. " alright if you say so " I said then in see deny let out a sigh of relief but I pretended not to hear it. I finished eating and went back to my room to do some homework and finish the note for tomorrow.

It's around 7:30 and I have finished my homework but I can't think of anything for my note! Then I remember what mina said when she gave me this dumb idea. " write down what you like about him! " I remember her words but I don't know what to write! I start thinking about deku. Of how hard he works to becoming the number one hero, of how cheerful he is, and smart! And not the mention how cute he is when he mumbles. So I start to write and for some reason thinking of deku made me............happy for some reason. I just couldn't explain it. But I didn't think much because it seemed so insignificant. Oh little did I know.

Hey guys! i litterly just got done with this chapter! I am so so SO so so so so SO sorry I haven't posted anything but I got grounded and I couldn't write for like a week so I just wanted to say I am sorry and that this chapter is kinda boring but there is a twist coming up that you don't wanna miss!!! Thank you much for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful day!

word count: 1257

Ochaco's secret Admirer ( An Izuocha Fanfict! ) ( COMPLETE ) Where stories live. Discover now