chapter 4

313 5 12

Deku's POV

We were now picking out teams for volleyball and they were:

team 1 is: Kirishima, bakugou, mina, denki, and toru

Team 2 is: todoroki, deku, jiro, urauka, and me

" but what about lida? " I say looking at my friend " it's ok everyone I will be the ref! " lida says " are ya sure lida? " urauka says " very sure! I want everyone to have a great time! " waving his hands in his chopping motion. " alright! If ya say so! " mina says. " alright let's play! " Kirishima yells.

                                        Time skip

( I don't know how to play volleyball ) after we got done with volleyball we decided to pack up. " I think I'll talk to mine when we get back to the dorms " I thought. I also thought about how I was gonna ask mina and convince her to not tell urauka.

As we walked back to the UA dorms I approached mina who was talking to asui at the moment wile urauka was talking to lida. " when we get back to the dorms can I talk to you about something mina? " I ask nervously " yea sure you ok midoriya? " she asks " oh yea I just have a few questions that's all " I say " ok wanna meet at my dorm then? " she asks " sure that's fine " I say " thanks I'll talk to ya later then! " I say as i walk over to urauka and lida talking about our upcoming test next week. " do you know what kind of test it is? " I ask them as I walk up. " no but knowing ua it's going to be a challenge! " lida says " yea but that's what it takes to be hero's! " urauka said. I admire her perciverence, and drive to become a hero. I must have been staring cause she blushed, I blushed as well even tho I didn't like that I did.

Once we got back to the dorms I went to my room to shower and change out of my sandy clothes. After I went into kitchen to get some dinner to see kachan cooking some delicious looking curry. " oooh smells good kachan! " I say looking at the deliciously smelling curry. " Tch Whatever nerd, let's go get everybody else so they can eat. " he says " ok " and we go to get the rest of the class.

After everyone is done eating and I go to my room. Then I remember that I was supposed to talk with mina after dinner, so I went to her dorm and knocked twice. " COMING!!! " she yelled. " oh hey midoriya come right on in! " she sat down on the floor and invited me to join her. " so what do you want to talk about? " she asks curiously. Then a look of clarity came on her face. " you want advice on how to ask out urauka! " she says excitedly " n n n no I don't " a look of curiosity showed on her face. " actually I want your help on how to make those feelings for her going away " I said. " a look of shock came on her face. " WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THAT!!! " she shouts " well if I tell her I like her like that and she doesn't feel the same way it will make things awkward and ruin our friendship and I don't want to do that " I say hoping she understands " well the only way to make the go away is to tell her, and if there is another way I don't know what it is " mina says " but there is a way for you to tell her without you knowing it's you! " she says excitedly like a idea came into her mind.

" well let's hear it first " I say being cautious " well you could slip notes in your locker when she isn't looking! " she says " what do you mean? " I ask sounding curious and suspicious at the same time. " well tell her you like her but Don't tell her it's you! " mins said. At this point I was confused, " what do you mean by THAT? " and by confused I mean CONFUSED. " well everyday slip notes in with complements and things you like about her then once you have enough courage ask her out then she will see who you are on the date and you will figure out if she likes you or not! " mins says excitedly " maybe........... " I say still cautious " anyway thanks for your help mina " I say not knowing if she actually help me or not " anytime midoriya! " she says as I walk out of her room and close the door behind me.

I go to my room and lay on my bed and start to think, maybe what mins said was true, maybe this could work. Then he fell asleep peacefully thinking of how this could work out for the better.

Thank you so much for the reads!!!! I am over the moon with happiness!!! Sorry I didn't post for a couple days I am pretty busy! And I didn't do any spelling checks so please don't hate me :( sorry I know it was kinda short. Anyways be happy everyone! :)

Word count: 852

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