chapter 3

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Urauka's POV

Me and the girls were getting ready for the beach but since we were all going to the restaurant first we had to put our swim suits under a t-shirt and shorts/skirts. We were all getting ready in my room since I had more space then everybody else. ( especially momo ) ( ok lol I had too ) then we headed downstairs to wait for the boys.

Deku's POV

I look at the clock and it's 8:30 " HOLY SHIT I'M GOING TO BE LATE!!! " he had fallen asleep from thinking too hard and not getting not enough sleep. He got dressed, brushed his teeth, and quickly packed his beach supplies. By the time he was done it was 8:57. He quickly ran down the stairs into the common room. " where were you nerd??? " bakugou said surprisingly not yelling. " I had slept in too late sorry guys " i said out of breath. " it's ok deku! " urauka said to me, my heart skipped a beat at her words. I look at her and say " thanks Urauka! " " alright lets get moving everyone!!!! " lida said waving his hands in a chopping movements.

                                        Time skip.

We got to the restaurant and took a seat down at a corner booth. After I sat down next to lida, urauka sat next to me and I blushed. After we ordered our food we decided to play never have I ever. " I'll go first! " mina said " never have I ever not taken a shower for a whole week! " denki put a finger down and everyone laughed. " I'll go next! " kirishima said " never have I ever been late to class! " everybody but momo, todoroki, lida, and I put a finger down. it was pretty boring after that but mina ended up losing first. After her was denki. Then the food arived. We ate then headed to the beach!

                                           Time skip

Urauka's POV

As soon as we reached the beach everybody set there stuff down and ran into the water. " hey why don't we play Marco polo! " denki said. " yea! " mina shouted. " Who's it? " I asked. Eveyone looked at me. " alright I will be it " I say. I close my eyes and they all ran. I count to 20 and shout " MARCO! " and they all reply " POLO " I go after the closest person to me which waa behind me. I dive after them and buy were they fast. Leap at them and " tag! " I say and I open my eyes to see...................deku " aw ya got me! " he said. I blushed. I don't think he notice though. Thank god.

After a couple more rounds of Marco polo we decide to just swim around a little bit longer then were gonna play a round of volleyball!

As we slowly walked back to Shore we decided to have a small snack before we play. As we ate I was talking with mina, momo, jiro and sue. As we talked about school and random stuff I look over at deku to see he is staring right at me. As soon as we make eye contact we both quickly look away and blush. " ah so have you and midoriya started dating yet? Ribbit " suyu asked " wa wa waaaaaa n n n n n n no no no we we we were n n n n no no not dd ddd ddd dating!!! " I say putting my hands over my blushing face. " we are just friends! " I say trying to convince them I don't like deku like that.  " Even though that's not exactly true " i thought " " so you do like him then? " mina says with a sly smirk. " no! I don't! " I say hurriedly trying to make them believe me. " Ssssssssuuuuuuurrrrrrrrreeeeeee " mins says still smirking at me. I glare at her. She just smirked brighter. I sighed. This was going to be more difficult then I expected.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING MY STORY!!!! I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!! I am really sorry the chapter is short and I haven't posted for a wile I didn't expect anybody to read my story and even got a couple votes!!!! I am so happy than you so much!!!! I will work extra hard to post more often. Again THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I am so sorry it's kinda boring but it will get better I promise!!! I love you all SOOOOOO MUCH AND THANK YOU FOR READING!!!!!!

Word count: 723

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