chapter 9

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Deku's POV

It's dinner time, and I am talking with lida, kirishima, kachan, and todoroki. About surprisingly kirishima and bakugou's relationship. They haven't come out to class yet. Not that anybody would mind them being in a relationship or anything but they want to keep it a secret and need somebody they could talk to. They originally chose me but todoroki was with me and they see to tell him too. so anyway as we were talking urauka came down and joined the conversation. And asked " whatcha guys talking' bout? " and I said " n n-nothing " stuttering like usual. " are ya sure? " she asks obviously curious. " really it's nothing urauka, just some guys stuff " kirishima says with a very unconvincing smile. " alright if ya say so " she said as she finished eating and went back upstairs to her room. " so anyway congrats you guys! " I say trying to be supportive of my friends. " hey by the way I have a question for you midoriya " kirishima says " oh ok ask away " I say wondering what it could be and hoping it wasn't.......... " you like urauka don't you? " he asks *sigh* " is it that obvious? " I say giving up a little. " yeah but she's pretty oblivious so I don't think she knows " he said I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. " you don't seem surprised todoroki " bakugou pointed out. " oh I already knew " todoroki said as kirishima gasps. " way to leave us hanging! " he says " I am sorry I just didn't know what to do about the situation so I kept it a secret until I had to tell somebody so I decided todoroki was the best person. " I say hoping that was good enough. " yeah I get what your saying plus he has a girl already lined up for him anyhow. Ain't that right? " kirishima says as todoroki turns a little pink and says " no but I think I like her  but am not sure " we were a little shocked by his confession. " don't worry your secret is safe with us! " kirishima says " right bakugou? " he asks his new boyfriend. " tch yeah why would I tell anyone I don't even care who icy hot likes! " he says again surprisingly not yelling. " alright well why don't you tell her todoroki? " I ask sincerely a little curious. " a couple reasons actually " he says " oh? Like what? " I ask " well it might disturb our studies and might get in the way if we are attacked by a villain " he says " yeah I guess dating would get in the way " I say now rethinking my whole note and confessing thing. " ok well I guess i'll see you guys later then " I say as I head back to my dorm. " I thunk todoroki is right. Maybe I should stop distracting her. " as I sit down on my bed a grab a sheet of paper out of my note book and started writing.

After I finished my note I looked at the clock and it read: 8:00. " I guess I should get ready for bed then as I don't be ant to be late " so I get up from my bed, change, turn off the lights, and climb into my bed. After about 30 minutes of not being able to fall asleep I get up and walk downstairs to see if anyone is still up. I walk down into the common room and see nobody's there so I decide to go outside and I see the sun is almost set. So I decide to train until curfew. ( curfew is nine o'clock I think )

After I get down training I decide to watch some tv. But have the volume low in case somebody's asleep. After a wile I hear somebody come down the stairs. I look over to see urauka. I continue to watch tv as she comes and sits down next to me. " hey deku watcha watching? " she asks " oh just waiting for the news to come in to see if there were any new villain attacks " I say hoping she doesn't figure out that I am having a hard time sleeping. " you know if there is an attack it will show on the news in the morning right? " she says " aww shit she caught me " I think to my self as I try to think of another reason. " you can't sleep can you? " she asks " oh fuck what do I do! Think izuku! think! " I say to my self wile keeping a normal face on in front of urauka. " yeah I am having trouble for some reason " I say hoping she won't push the subject. " oh ok well I can't either! " she says " mind if I watch with you? " I was glad she didn't lust so I smiled and said " sure only if you want to though " I say a little nervous " yeah I want to! I just asked if I could didn't I? " she says with a smile that made my heart skip to many beats to be healthy.  " man if only this girl new what she does to me "

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