chapter 6

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Urauka's POV

I head downstairs to the common room to see almost everybody there. We talked wile we waited for the rest to get here. It hit 7 and deku still wasn't there. " I wonder were he is " said kirishima " its not like him to be late " denki said. " he might have fallen asleep in his room " asui said " should we go see if he is alright? " sero asked " I can go check on him " I say " ok we'll wait for ya here then " mina said.

Deku POV

I was in a peaceful dream state when I woke up to a knock being heard my door. " coming! " I yell I open the door and rub my eyes to uruaka. " hey deku did I wake you? " she asked " yea but its fine I just fell asleep is all " I say trying not to make her feel bad.
" oh ok I just came to see if you were still coming to the sleepover downstairs " she said " yea " I answered. then I checked the clock and saw it was 7:10 " oh crap! I'm late aren't I? " I said " yea but its ok, now come on! everybody's waiting " she said as she waited for me the grab my key to come downstairs.

Urauka's POV

After I went to go get deku, we walked downstairs. " hey midoriya! Glad you could make it! " kirishima said to him. " yea sorry I'm late guys I accidentally fell asleep " he said apologizing for not showing up on time. " well don't just stand there come on! We need to start playing! " mins said " oh what are we playing? " deku asked " I am curious too " todoroki said " we are gonna play truth or dare! " mina shouts everybody groans " can we please not play that mina? " momo asks " I think we should vote on it ribbit " asui said " ok who votes truth or dare? " mins said. Only mina raised her hand. " you guys are no fun " she said " I know! We could play musical chairs! " I say " that's a good idea " momo says
" yeah! " denki and kirishima say in a union. " ok I got the music! " mina yells I'm " I'll get the chairs! " says toru

After everything was all set up and everybody was ready mina started the music. After about a minute the music stopped and everybody hurriedly sat down, and everybody got a chair except poor denki. " aw man! " he said " I am not the best at games " he complained as he went to sat down. " yeah that's true " jiro said teasingly and giggled a little. " not fair jiro! " denki said as and he made a little pout. " are you too done with your little moment? " mina said. Denki and jiro blushed. Wile kaminari and jiro were having there " moment " kirishima too one of the chairs away. Then mina started the music again and we were going around and around for a good 5 minutes then it stops. Me and deku went for the same chair and I ended up accidentally sitting on his lap. I quickly got off and blushed. " s s sorry d d deku " I say stuttering like a moron of embarrassment. " i it it's o o o-ok urauka " everybody was silent for a moment. " ok guys how about we play something else then? " momo asks breaking the silence. " I have a game we could play " todoroki said surprising everyone. " what is it todoroki? " momo asked " charades " he says blankly. " hey that's a great idea! " kirishima says " alright lets do it! " I say excitedly " I have a stuff for the game in my room! I'll go get it read quick. " mins says right before running out of the common room to go get the game.

I walk over to deku feeling bad about earlier " hey deku can I talk to ya for a second? " I say nervously " sure uruaka " he says a little worried. We go over to a corner making sure we can't be over heard. " so what did you want to talk about uruaka? " deku asked me. " well it's about earlier................. " I say " oh " he says " I just don't want things to be awkward ok? " I say " we still friends? " he asks " yeah! Still friends! " I say then we fist bump. We go back to our friends and wait for mina to back. I smile to myself of how an amazing friend and person deku is.

After we get done with charades we decide to get some snacks and decide to watch a movie. " what movie should we watch? " I ask " ( insert random movie name ) " Kaminari asks " that's a good movie! " mina says, then we are get comfy in our seats, we grab our snacks and drinks and were all set then momo plays the movie.

                                        " time skip "

After the movie we all start to get our sleeping bags and stuff ready when we see something nobody expected. Momo sleeping on todoroki's shoulder and what's even more shocking is todoroki is asleep with his head leaned on top of momo's. Mina started taking pictures and accidentally had the flash turned on her phone and woke them both up. I giggled and looked over at deku and see him still in shock. He comes over to me and says " has momo said anything to you or the girls about todoroki? " his voice was laced with shock and curiosity.  " well she has a crush on him that's for sure. Has he said anything about her? " I ask cause he is closer to todoroki than the others. " it was hard to tell by the way he worded it but I think so, I sometimes see him starring at her at lunch. " he says " well this might play out well for them " I say hoping the best for my friend. After todoroki and momo were done being bombarded by everyone we all decided it was best to just go to sleep. Cause we were afraid of waking Mr. Aizawa and the rest of the teachers.

Welp sorry this chapter was kinda boring but there WILL BA action and fluff soon. AND THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH FOR OVER A HUNDRED READS!!! Thank you all for reading my crappy fanfict. And tell me if you like the new cover of want my to. Change it back. Thanks for reading!!!

Ochaco's secret Admirer ( An Izuocha Fanfict! ) ( COMPLETE ) Where stories live. Discover now