chapter 11

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Urauka's POV

After awile the stranger came back and said " your friend says hi" he said I glare at him. Sadly it doesn't faze him. " oh don't look at me like that! " he said in a fake exasperated voice. " why did you take me when you could've easily taken deku the same way? " I ask hoping to get information out of him. " well before I answer that question would you like to hear about what me and your dear friend deku talked about? " he asked but I stayed silent because it was a rhetorical question and was gonna tell me anyways. " we chatted a bit of the unimportant stuff but I got straight to the point. I told him he had to do two things to keep you safe my dear. Would you like to know what those are? " he asked and I gave in and said " what are you up too? " I tried to sound menacingly but my throat was dry. " well I told him to give all might a message that's all " he said  mockingly innocent voice. " what was the other thing " I said calmly " oh well he seemed a little shaken up by it but still agreed " he said but he didn't answer the question. " you didn't answer my question. What is the second thing? " I say getting angrier and more worried all at the same time. " oh well he needs to hand himself in and then we will release you to the pro's that's all. " he said as if it were all a game to him. " LIAR! The pro's would never agree to that! " I yell only barely believing it. " who said the pro's will know before hand. " he said then he let out a maniacal laugh. " this way I can get my fair share of pay from the league of villains! And one for all will finally recognize my power and worth! " he said as his eyes bulge out and laughs like a maniac again. But I'm no longer paying attention anymore. I'm just worried about deku. After he finally calmed down he said. " oh my dear you should have seen the determined look on his face when I he said he'd bring you back to UA. Or when he the hopeful look when I said I would give you back unharmed. " he said his laughter finally died down " he really loves you " he said bit I didn't listen. I couldn't listen. It was too much for me to bare. " I hope your ok deku "

                                        Deku's POV

Once I got back to UA I went to the teachers dorms and told them I need to tell all of them something and to meet me in the common room. Then I went to all my classmates dorms to collect them to tell them that we were having a meeting with the teachers about something serious. After everybody gathered in the common room aizawa started the meeting. " now what did you bring us here to tell us problem child " he said and I explained everything that happened, then I gave all might the message. The only part I didn't tell them was that I was supposed to hand myself in to the villains. " this seems suspicious " all might said " are you sure there wasn't any thing else he said young midoriya? " all might asked and I shook my head as a no. Because if I spoke they would have noticed that I was lying. " we'll start organizing a rescue team " aizawa said " and problem child since your already involved I don't want you doing anything reckless so your gonna help too got that? " he said/asked " yes I understand. " I said as they all went to set up a rescue team. After I was sure they left I said to my classmates. " ok I have a plan, who's up for saving Urauka? " I ask cause if you are meet at my dorm to discuss strategy " I say heading to my dorm and I am guessing I left them shocked to the core. After u got to my dorm I waited. Then my door burst open by bakugou. " ok shitty nerd what's the plan! " he says as he walks into my room and sits down on the floor. " calm down bakugou! " kirishima says " alright what's the plan midoriya " todoroki says as he walks in and sits on my desk chair. As the rest of everybody file in. " So the people who have agreed to help me save Urauka are all here right? " I ask as everybody nodded.and then toru said " suyu wanted to come but she said she probably wouldn't be much help " " oh that's to bad she could've help alot " I said. So that's makes:

Bakugou, kirishima, lida todoroki, and toru. Are the ones that are coming then? " I ask making sure that's everyone. " yeah since asui doesn't want to come " todoroki said. " so what's your plan mido-bro? " kirishima asks " well In order for this to work I need to see the base structure they are being held at but basically here is the draft I have for the plan. " I say hoping they will all agree with it. * explains plan because author has a death wish * " so what do you guys think? " I ask hoping it's good enough though they still don't know about the whole giving myself up part. " yeah but it really depends on the buildings structure and the stuff around it " kirishima says " yeah and it could be anywhere in Japan " todoroki says. " well I was kinda hoping the pro's will be able to find it because there supposed to be getting a search team ready and all. " I say. As I look down in worry for urauka. " are you sure there is nothing else your telling us midoriya? " lida asked. " you know you can talk to us about anything right? " he said repeating my words from when his brother was injured by stain. " yeah " I say looking up. " I just hope we can get urauka back safe " I say changing the subject slightly. " alright then let's get urauka back! " toru says wile raising her fist. " yeah let's get urauka back! " I say just then. I hear a nock on my door and see jiro and kaminari. " oh hey guys what's up? " I ask " me and dunce face wanna join the rescue " she says " it took alot to convince dunce face but he came around " she said. " welcome to the team! " I said then explained the plan we had so far. " that's a good plan but what about what would we do? " she asks " well I have a good idea to add now that you two are here but I need someone else as well " I say then another knock. " I'll get it " todoroki says as he gets up and opens the door to see. " oh yayorozu hello " he said as I stand up. " hello todoroki i have come to join the rescue " she said as he let's her in. " perfect! " I say then explain the plan again to her. " ah I see! Do you need me to make a cloth so that we don't get affected by kaminari electricity? " she asked. " yeah! " I say " so what do you guys think? is it good enough to work? " I ask hoping they say yes. " omg it's perfect! " Toru says. I let out a sigh of relief as everyone agrees. " alright then " kirishima says " all we need in the hideout layout and this plan might work! " he says " yeah but we need to plan out our moves once we get the layout still " I say " but after we get that done were golden right! " kaminari asks " yeah at least I hope so " I say. " all right then " bakugou says " let's go rescue pink cheeks! " he says " YEAH! " we all shout in excitement.

 After the secret meeting everybody left to go enjoy the rest of there weekend. But after everybody left mina came and said
" hey midoriya I thought it over and..........I want to join! I just can't sit here and wait for the pro's! We need to do something! " she said with tears in her eyes. " alright well everybody left already but I can fill you in " I say hoping she'll start to feel better. " ok " she said as I let her in. We sit down on the floor as I start explaining the plan. " that's a good plan! But where would I fit in? " she asks " I don't know yet but I don't think anymore people can join in after you because in order for this plan to work we need to be able to hide people in certain places depending on the hideout they have " I say " ok well my acid could be of help if anybody gets captured or if we have to break her out! " she said then an idea popped into my mind. " what if we convince the pro's you would be a good asset! Then it my be easier to execute the plan more efficiently! " I say getting a better feeling about this plan. " Alright now let's go see if we can find Mr. Aizawa! " I say as we head to the common room. " wait! " she says " yeah? " I ask " can't we just call him? " she says " oh yeah that's right! " I say face palming. I call up Mr. Aizawa. Thankfully he answers. " yes problem child? " He says as he answers the phone. " one of my classmates mins ashido could be of use sir " I say hoping he gives my idea a chance. " how? " he asks simply. " her quirk is acid, if urauka is in a cage or trapped somewhere or we end up in a trap her quirk could help as well as fighting the villains " I say hoping my explanation is enough. " I'll see but there must be major precautions if she joins the rescue team " he says " I will have to ask her a couple questions and make a few calls and discuss it with the rest of the pro's still but there is a chance she could be of use " he says " alright thank you Mr. Aizawa " I said then hung up.
" what did he say? " she asked eagerly. " he said you might be able to join depending on the other pro's and there mission and stuff. " I say hoping it'll be enough. " awesome! Thanks midoriya! " she says as she runs off. I head back to my room and flop down on my bed. And start to think about urauka. " what if this doesn't work? What will happen " I think to myself as I hear a yell from down in the common room. I rush downstairs to see jiro with a note on the door. " I was going outside to train and found this on the outside of the door " she says. And I gently took the note and started to read out loud. The note read:

Here's the location that we're holding her at.
Come and get her!

Along with the location of the facility that the holding urauka.

Hey guys! Yeah cliff hanger! Lol I'm horrible. I don't know when I'll be able to post the next chapter. Sorry guys! But I hope you enjoyed and that you have a wonderful rest of the day! 

Word count: 1887

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