chapter 10

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Deku's POV

It's Saturday morning and just yesterday after school I managed to get the last preparations done for my date with urauka. It's currently 8:00am. And I'm training with bakugou, todoroki, kirishima, kaminari, and lida outside the dorms. We are currently  sparring in teams of 3.

Kaminari, bakugou, and todoroki


Me, kirishima, and lida

We pick these types of teams because we need to learn how to work better with people with different quirks in case of an emergency, and for bakugou to work with other people. But overall It will help us get stronger. At around 8:15 kirishima asks " you guys wanna grab some breakfast? " as he catches bakugou punch by grabbing it and throwing him to the ground like a badass. " yeah sure " I say feeling a bit hungry. We head into the the building and head to the little kitchen area to start making breakfast. After the food is done cooking, we finish eating, and chatting. It's around 10:00. Meaning I have to start getting ready so I can be there before urauka. So I say bye to the guys and head up to my room to shower and change.

After I shower and Change. I was dressed casually because we are just going to a cafe and nothing really special. It's around 10:30 so I decide to leave at 11 to make sure my reservations are in place.  " I hope I made it clear what I wanted " I say to myself with worry. I decided to do some studying for the test tomorrow. After I get done studying I start to head to the cafe to wait for urauka. I am so nervous and jittery but also really excited!. " I can't wait to see urauka! "

                                      Urauka's POV

I am currently getting ready for my date with deku! I am so excited! I can barely wait! I decided to wear something casual after my shower because he said we're going to a cafe not a restaurant. " I can't wait for my date with deku! "

Around 11:30 I start to walk out of the common area to see the news.  Hero's say there is a new villain on the loose that goes by the name: pain

Hero's say that he calls himself that because he wants to inflict pain onto the world. Nobody knows what his quirk is but hero's say to watch out for tis villain and stay on high alert.

Then I walk out of the door on my way to the cafe.

As i'm walking to the cafe I hear footsteps behind me. I don't look Behind me I just keep walking. " I have to lead him away from dekuI think to myself as I lead him to an open area. " why are you following me? " I ask as u turn around to face the stranger. " ah I expected as much from a UA student, ochaco urauka " he says and I flinch. I mentally smack myself for showing weakness.
" Why are you following me? What do you want from me? " I ask as i keep my eyes on him. " well it's very simple ochaco " he says as I flinch again at my name. " I don't want you in particular I want your friend " now I started to panic on the inside but I tried to keep my cool on the outside. " which friend? " I ask although I already know who he's talking about. " oh I think you know who I'm talking about " he says trying to get me say his name. " no please enlighten me " I say hoping he doesn't his name. " oh well I think he goes by the name deku " he says as an expression on dread appears on my face, Then determination. " I won't let you get to him! " I say " oh your not gonna do anything except come with me " he says  then my panic shows on my face. So I start running. But he popped up in front of me. " it's no use my quirk it teleportation. " he says as I start running again and he teleported to me again. " just come with me and nobody will get hurt " he says and I got an idea. " what if you took me and left deku alone? " I ask standing in front of him.  " I will make you a deal as long as you leave deku alone " I say hoping he will take my offer. " sorry but your friend has something you don't " he says as he grabs my arm and teleported me into a cage, let go of me, and teleported out.  And from in the dark he said I'll tell your friend you said hi! " he said right before he teleported away. After that I decided to look around my surroundings. But all I saw was darkness that was beyond the cage. The only light was above me.
" I hope deku's ok "

                                   Deku's POV

" I wonder where she is " I thought as I waited at the cafe.
" something isn't right " just as I thunk that a man walked up to me and said  " would you come with me? I have business to discuss concerning your friend " a not formed in my stomach as I went outside with the stranger. After we got ear shot away I said " where is urauka? " I asks calmly " oh you mean my good friend ochaco? She's safe for now " but I need you to do two things to ensure her safety " he said " and what are those things? " I ask hoping there something easy. " give your close buddy all might a message for me. Tell him if he wants the girl back he'll have to take it from me. " I nodded " and the other thing? " I ask wanting to get Urauka back. " go along with the pro's mission we will be waiting then with them there hand yourself in to us. And we will let your friend go free. " he said and it sounded to good to be true. " how do I know you'll actually let her go? " I ask " because the person we want is you not her. We already have a gravity quirk user why want another? Especially someone so weak " he said
" so Do we have a deal? " he said. " yes but if you don't release her when I give myself up. There will be hell to pay " I say hoping to get the message through. " oh I don't doubt it deku " he said which Made me angrier. What he did next was unexpected. He popped out of sight. " his quirk must be teleportation " I think to myself as I start to head back to UA to hold a meeting at the dorms. To tell the pro's and my classmates, Because I got a plan.

Once I got back to UA I went to the teachers dorms and told them I need to tell all of them something and to meet me in the common room. Then I went to all my classmates dorms to collect them to tell them that we were having a meeting with the teachers about something serious. After everybody gathered in the common room aizawa started the meeting. " now what did you bring us here to tell us problem child " he said and I explained everything that happened, then I gave all might the message. The only part I didn't tell them was that I was supposed to hand myself in to the villains. " this seems suspicious " all might said " are you sure there wasn't any thing else he said young midoriya? " all might asked and I shook my head as a no. Because if I spoke they would have noticed that I was lying. " we'll start organizing a rescue team " aizawa said " and problem child since your already involved I don't want you doing anything reckless so your gonna help too got that? " he said/asked " yes I understand. " I said as they all went to set up a rescue team. After I was sure they left I said to my classmates. " ok I have a plan, who's up for saving Urauka? " I ask cause if you are meet at my dorm to discuss strategy " I say heading to my dorm and I am guessing I left them shocked to the core. After u got to my dorm I waited. Then my door burst open by bakugou. " ok shitty nerd what's the plan! " he says as he walks into my room and sits down on the floor. " calm down bakugou! " kirishima says " alright what's the plan midoriya " todoroki says as he walks in and sits on my desk chair. As the rest of everybody file in. " So the people who have agreed to help me save Urauka are all here right? " I ask as everybody nodded.and then toru said " suyu wanted to come but she said she probably wouldn't be much help " " oh that's to bad she could've help alot " I said. So that's makes:

Bakugou, kirishima, lida todoroki, and toru. Are the ones that are coming then? " I ask making sure that's everyone. " yeah since asui doesn't want to come " todoroki said. " so what's your plan mido-bro? " kirishima asks " well In order for this to work I need to see the base structure they are being held at but basically here is the draft I have for the plan. " I say hoping they will all agree with it. * explains plan because author has a death wish * " so what do you guys think? " I ask hoping it's good enough though they still don't know about the whole giving myself up part. " yeah but it really depends on the buildings structure and the stuff around it " kirishima says " yeah and it could be anywhere in Japan " todoroki says. " well I was kinda hoping the pro's will be able to find it because there supposed to be getting a search team ready and all. " I say. As I look down in worry for urauka. " I hope she's ok "

Hey guys! Yeah I'm back! And I was wondering how you liked the story so far! And thank you so much for over 200 reads!!!! You don't know how much your votes mean! Anyway I don't have much to say except thanks for reading and voting! I might post the next chapter tomorrow too! Have a nice day! Again thanks for reading!

Word count: 1734

Ochaco's secret Admirer ( An Izuocha Fanfict! ) ( COMPLETE ) Where stories live. Discover now