chapter 13

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Urauka's POV

" yes! He left! This is my chance! " I thought as I grabbed the lantern and grabbed the candle out of the lantern and started to melt the metal. "I'm" yes! Only 3 more bars to go and I might be able to fit! " I thought. But then the door opened. " come my dear " he said as he came into the cage. " no! Why would I go with you! " I say scared he is gonna hurt me. " why? Because. Your friends are here. " he says and my body fills with dread. " oh no! This isn't good. " he crosses the room and grabs me. And rapped a rope around me but I start to struggle. Then he tugs on the rope to pull me forward but I fight it and move backwards and accidentally hit my head on the bars behind me. And when I say hit I mean hit hard. Then everything turns black.

                                           Deku's POV

" urauka! "  I thought as all might started to talk. " villain! Give back the girl and nobody gets hurt! " he says but the villain then looks at me and says. " well I will happily give her back for a..... How do we say? More useful quirk. " he says. And then I step up and say. " i-i'll take her place! " I say and he smiles. " ah izuku midoriya! " he says happily " your quirk is similar to all mights yes? Well I accept! " he said. " ok now give back urauka! " I say
" walk over here first, I'll tie you up, and then I'll give them the girl. " he says pointing to the hero's. " no problem child! " aizawa shouts. " yes! She has more promise then some kid that just breaks his bones! " I say " then why would the villains want you!? " he asks. " just please allow me to do this as a hero. I say emphasizing the last part. then I hear a scream one I could never forget. " NO DEKU DON'T DO IT! " she screamed. But I didn't listen because it broke my heart. So I gave her a smile. " so I have your word that if I trade places with her you WILL release her? " I ask the villain. " yes of course my dear boy. I am a man of my word. " he says " alright " I say as I start to walk over there. " NO DEKU! NO!!! " she screams and cries. But I just smile at her hoping she'll be ok. I get there they tie me up. " ok now release her " I say " as you wish! " he says. The he teleported over to her and released her. And aizawa grabbed her with his scarf. Then as the villains were taking me away the windows on the roof broke. " there here! " I thought. " NO YOU FOOLISH KIDS! " aizawa said. Then I used one for all and broke the ropes, and ran over to the pro's and urauka. Then grabbed one of the electricity blocking blankets and covered the pro's as kaminari shocked them, wile jiro used her amplified heart beat, He fell to the ground knocked out. But then he teleported. " he must've been faking! " yelled bakugou.
" go get him! " I said to the pro's. " we will be fine go! " I say. " I'll take urauka! Just go catch him or we'll all Be in danger! " I shout. " fine but you WILL be getting punished for putting your fellow classmates it danger " aizawa said as I picked up urauka and led the way out. We ran down the road and the villain teleported to us. And automatically my friends jumped in front of me and urauka. That gave me time to send aizawa our location and to tell him that the villain is with us. Todoroki tried to freeze him but he teleported to the side. Kirishima and bakugou charges and todoroki estimated where he would teleport and froze him. Kirishima went up to him and tied him up. Wile bakugou knocked him out with one of his explosions. " are you injured? " I asked urauka. " no I'm ok " she said shaking. " ok everything is fine now ok? " I said trying to calm her. " but " she said " what? " I asked kneeling. " don't give your self up for me ok? " she asked with a shaky laugh. " ok " I said. " now let's get you home. " I say

                                        Urauka's POV

After I was rescued. We came back to the dorms and I washed up and ate. And was now sitting in my dorm room. I heard a knock. " come in " I say and the person I saw was none other than deku. " h-hey urauka can we talk? " he asked " sure no problem what's up? " I say. " i-i just wanted to say I'm so so so so SO sorry! The reason he was able to kidnap you was cause you were going to meet me at the cafe! It's all MY fault! I'm so! Sorry! Can you please forgive me? " he said and I stood there shocked. " it is NOT your fault I got kidnapped. " I said " bu- " he tried to tell me differently. " deku you saved me! And even if they were after you it's still not your fault that happened! Please I should be thanking you because you saved me " I said " r-really? " he asked " yes so thank you " I said as he let out a sigh of relief and wiped the tear I didn't know he shed. " can we still go on that date? " I asked
" o-oh of course! " He said and I smiled and so did he. The mood lightened. " alright I'll let you rest " he said " oh and deku? " I asked " yeah? " he said " do you know when I'm supposed to head back to class? " I asked " oh yeah right! " he said " Mr. A is aww said next week but if you need more time that's ok " he said " ok thanks! I think a week should be enough " I said then smiled. " no problem! I'll let Mr. Aizawa know " he said. " oh and tomorrow you'll be going back home " he said " oh alright! " I said

" bye deku! " I say

" bye urauka! "

He said as he closed the door and headed back to his dorm.

Hey guys! Sorry I'm not that good at writing battles, I think there will be one or two more chapters. But yeah! Thank you for reading my crappy book! I hope you enjoyed! Bye!

Word count: 1064

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