chapter 2

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Urauka's POV

After class we headed back to the dorms to change into our more casual clothes. After I went into the common area to hang out. When I got there I saw asui, momo, and mina already there. " hi girls! " I say " hey urauka! Theres gonna be a huge sleep over here in the common room tomorrow night wanna come? " mins asks " everybody's gonna be there! " she says " sure sounds fun! " I say cause what could possibly go wrong?

                                          Deku's POV

As I leave my room after getting change I see some of the girls already there. I head over to the kitchen area to grab a snack. I grab a big bowl so I can share if anybody wants any and pour some chips in and head over to the sitting area. " oh hey midoriya " mina says. " there's gonna be a big sleepover tomorrow wanna come? " " sure sounds like fun " I say " great! Now to invite the others! "

mins says " invite us to what? " kirashima says walking in with kaminari, bakugou, And jiro." to the huge sleep over in tomorrow " mina says " wanna come? It'll be fuuuunnnn! " sure how about you guys? " kirishima says. " Tch, nah " bakugou says " ANG YOU CANT CHANGE MY MIND SHITTY HAIR SO DONT EVEN TRY! " " I'll be there for sure! " kaminari says. By that time everybody is here and mina asks " so who's coming so I can write it down? "

Mina, deku, urauka, Ida, kirishima, momo, asui, jiro, toru, todoroki, And kaminari.

" wait what about me? " mineta asks " your not invited " momo says.

" What will we play? " Kaminari asks. " we can figure out that at the party " momo says.

" then its settled! " mins says " we will all meet hear tomorrow at 7! " everybody agrees.

                                      Urauka's POV

after everything was decided urauka went back to her room. She was tired because of her quirk training. She slowly fell asleep thinking about the party, she slept for about 30 minutes when she awoke to a knock on her door.

" coming! " she shouted. When I got there I saw mina, " hey we were gonna watch a movie in the common room wanna come? " mina asked. Not that tired thanks to her nap she says " sure I'll be right down " great! " mina says going back to the common room. I head down stairs into The common room, and I sit next to deku on the end of the sofa. Mina stood up and said. " me and the girls were planning to go to the beach tomorrow! Do you guys wanna come? "  " sure! " kirishima and denki said in Union. " sounds fun "  todoroki said " I'm in " said deku " what about you bakugou? " asked kirishima. " tch fine i'll come " sweet! Now is that everybody? "  asked kirishima  " yea cause mineta can't come cause Mr. Aizawa is gave him punishment of cleaning the dorms because of how he peeked at us at the training camp. " oh yea I forgot about that " denki said. " you forget a lot of stuff though "  jirou said. " alright lets start the movie! " mina said

                                 " Deku's POV "

After the movie ended everybody got up said goodnight and went to bed.  As I went back to my dorm I was thinking. " These feelings are really distracting how do I make them stop? I need to figure out how to make them go away "  then it came to him. " I need to ask for some help "  and he knew just the right person " but when am I gonna talk to him? " he started thinking of possible times he could talk to him. " before we go to the beach! In the morning! It's perfect! I just hope he will be willing and able to help "

                                       " time skip "

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Click " 9:00am " deku Thought as he got up and headed down for some breakfast. " after breakfast I'll go talk to him " Deku said to himself as he walked down to breakfast. When he got there the only person there was todoroki. " just the guy I was looking for " deku thought to himself as he walked over. " hey todoroki? Can I talk to alone after breakfast? " deku asked his friend. " sure " todoroki said a little suprised.They ate in silence then walked to deku's dorm.

The walked inside then sat on deku's bed. " so what Do you want to talk about midoriya? " todoroki asked curiously. " well I think I have feelings for urauka and I don't want them to get in the way of our friendship " deku said. " and you want my help on confessing to urauka? " todoroki asked. " w-what!?!? N-n-no I w-want your help to make the feelings go away so that it doesn't ruin our friendship! " i said quickly, trying to hold back my blush. " why would it ruin your friendship? " todoroki asked me.
" w-well If she doesn't have the same feelings for me as I do for her it might get awkward and we might not be able to be friends anymore " I said sadly " well as far as I know there is no other way to get rid of those kinds of feelings is to release them " todoroki said trying to help his friend " how do I do that? " he asked eagerly. " tell her your feelings and that if she doesn't feel the same then you would like to stay friends. " todoroki said to me. " how do I do that? I get way to nervous around d her. " I said sadly.  " you could write a note then give it to her to read " Todoroki replied calmly. Then I light bulb came on in deku's head " I think I have another way " deku said nervously. " oh? What is your idea midoriya? " todoroki Asked " I think I have to talk to mine " said deku " oh well good luck with that." Todoroki mumbled. " yea I know " deku mumbled back. " well I gotta go midoriya " todoroki said as he got up and walked out. " what? Oh yea bye " deku said lost in thought of how this could go terribly wrong.

Hey! Thanks for reading! I got to over 1000 words! I will be working on it though. Thank you again for reading and I hope you enjoy! It's gonna be a little boring at first but it will get a little more exciting as the story goes on! Thank you for ready!

Word count: 1033



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