chapter 14

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Deku's POV

It's Saturday afternoon and I'm getting ready for my date with urauka. I planned it just like before except this time we're heading to the cafe together. We were almost to the cafe it was about 5:30. " I hope she likes my surprise! " I thought as we walked into the cafe.

Urauka's POV

" can't believe I'm going on a date with deku! " I thought as we ordered our food. After the waiter took our orders and left he asked me. " hey urauka? After we eat do you wanna take a walk on the beach? " he asks almost nervously. " sure deku! " I say with a smile. He smiled back at me. And I felt like I was gonna burst.
" only if he knew " I thought. After that we talked and talked. After we ate and received our check. He insisted on paying. We went to the beach took off our shoes and started to walk. And we came by where all the trash used to be and it was absolutely breathtaking. And on top of a giant garbage pile was...............all might?

Deku's POV

" I hope this works " I thought as I gave all might the signal.

Urauka's POV

He was holding a banner and deku gave him some sort of signal and it dropped.

3rd person POV

The banner all might was holding unfolded and it said:

Will you be my girlfriend?

" did you set this up for me? " I ask deku in awe. " yeah " he said as all might took his leave and hopped away. Giving the two alone time. " Deku thank you so much! " she said as she tackles him with a hug. " yes deku! I would love to be your girlfriend! " she said and hugged him tighter. He hugged her back. " looked up at him. Still hugging him. He looked at her. There noses were nearly touching. They each leaned in and there lips connected. It was a short kiss but when they pulled away they smiled at each other. Then she tucked her head in the crook of his neck and gave him another hug, he hugged back. " wanna continue our walk? " he asked " sure! " she said pulling away. Then they continued there walk hand in hand. Happy they were finally together. " thank you so much deku " she said. " for what? " he asked. " for saving me, for planning this date, for being there for me " she said " urauka you have so much determination you inspire me, so thank you for that. " he said as they walked along the beach watching the gorgeous sunset.

The End

Welp I think that's the end guys! Thank you so much for reading! I am sorry this chapter is short, and i'm not that good at writing romance either but i will improve! Plus I had alot of fun writing this! What should I write next? An kamijiro? Or an oc story? or both? I hope you enjoyed and that you have a happy rest of your day! Bye!

Update: OMG! THANK YOU FOR 1.5K READS OMG!!!!! thank you all so much! If you liked this book I have another Izucha story out right now! Again thank you all so much. I greatly appreciate it! Love you all!

Ochaco's secret Admirer ( An Izuocha Fanfict! ) ( COMPLETE ) Where stories live. Discover now