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With guards and scientists swarming the area its hard to stay hidden and to keep moving forward. The dirty walls held no shadows for me to hide in, so when I did move I would have to wait for an opening and sprint to the next hiding spot in the hall, making sure to time it with the newly set up cameras.

I can't let them see me. They'll be able to use that as an advantage. But if they don't catch me I have the element of surprise. First part of the plan was get in, now I have to find my daughter, get out, and then contact shield to take care of these guys. No way was I going to kill somebody, no matter what they did.

Nobody deserves to die. They deserve to rot in prison to think about what they've done and live with their actions. Killing them is the easy way out. They don't have consequences.

If something did go wrong I'd just make sure to mildly injure them or knock them out.

From my spot behind a a supplies cart that had been left by one of the people in lab coats, I dart my eyes between the hallway and cameras, looking for some sort of pattern.

There was a small storage closet that was open by a crack, but empty if any people. That was my next destination, but I would have to go quite a far distance. I'd have to pass two intersecting hallways and four different cameras. The thing is one of the hallways was never actually empty. There was always a crowd.

The cameras that were positioned right at the corners of the hallways, so as to be able to have a good angle of everything at a time, except for it's blind spot.

They would change positions to where I was, before going back to the other two hallways horizontally tot he one I'm in ten seconds later. The same goes for the other ones, but while the closest cameras where facing away from me, they would turn towards me. The trick is only 4 seconds after the closer ones had moved.

That gives me a 4 second window to sprint down the hallway and get into the cameras blind spots. Now that that's figured out, how am I supposed to get passed all those people? Sure none of them were currently in the hallway I am in, more so on the rooms, but there were people in the cross halls.

And people would be able to see me through the open doors. Too bad I can't become invisible, that would be pretty great right about now.

Okay I need to be fast; the only problem is my larger wolf form is the fastest, but it's too big and I risk getting caught. But any other animal is either not fast enough or will be seen.

Risk getting caught by the cameras or an actual person? Tough choice.

I shake my head to try and clear it. I was starting to panic. What if I made the wrong choice? Mishka could get hurt. I could get hurt and I wouldn't be able to save her.

Okay okay I can do this. Big wolf, 4 seconds, crowded hallways, moving cameras, storage closet. I've got this.

The second both cameras are facing away from me, without hesitation I leap out from behind the tool cart and sprint down the hall, making no noise when my feet hit the floor except for the small klicks of my claws.

The cameras start to move and I jump into its blind spot, slipping into the closet and going to the corner, hiding in the darkness.

I let out a huff of air, my heart racing at the thought that I could've been caught.

Oh God that was close. What if I was seen?

Okay lo time for that y/n, we need to find Mishka and get out before anyone can know that we're here.

Where do I go next? I've only ever been in my cell and the—

Oh wait!! That's it!!

I look up and smirk to myself once I see the small door to the vent. Okay, maybe a loud would work best for this? But then how would I get up? So maybe a bird? Wings would be a little too loud.

My eyes follow the tall shelf lining the wall opposite the door, and idea sparking in my mind.


Wow squirrels are great at climbing.

With ease I make my way up the shelf, and once at the top I back up into the wall, gathering momentum. I run and jump off the shelf, reaching my small and light I saw adorable squirrel arms towards the vent, clinging onto it with my claws.

My paws start to slip from the cool and rusted metal, and panic floods deep in my veins as I struggle to keep my grip.

Oh god oh god oh God I'm pretty high up for this size.

I use all my strength and pull myself up, sitting down to take a small breather. Yeah that's it, this is definitely more my style. I know these vents like the back of my hand even if I've been in them once. With the shape of the building on the outside and seeing it when I got here earlier, I was able to draw the plan of the ventilation system in my head, making my very own detailed map listing where all the rooms are and what they could potentially be.

I also made sure to calculate where what rooms would work best in the building, making it the slightest bit more precise.

I turn back into my human form, the vents being rather spacious, and I quietly crawl through them, looking down through the vent doors every so often just to make sure I haven't passed where their keeping her.

Okay so I'm sorry for keeping everyone waiting!! School has started back up and I have literally a test for every class this week and myself(my whole class as well) failed our first test back this week in French for verbs, most of us getting 40% and 45% but yeah at least well be allowed to redo it. She didn't exactly teach us any of this before the test either sooooooo

Anyways have a great day I love youuuu


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