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Now it may seem that I'm happy, that I've finally come out of the dark place I was once in, but the truth is, I'm still there, only it's more bearable with my new-found family.

I still cut every night when the girls and Sydney are asleep, when I'm silently crying, trying to drown out the voices in my head that are telling me that I'm not good enough.

I'm also going back to Midtown on Monday. That's tomorrow. I'm not exactly ready to face the bullying and hurtful comments yet, but if I want to be a certified vet I need to go. They won't accept someone who missed an important year of high school.

Tears silently fall from my eyes as I slide the pocket knife deep into my forearm in the dark room.

Just then I hear a small tap on the window. I look up quickly and see Peter in his suit, mask off.

He opens the unlocked window and quickly enters the room, making his way over to me.

He crouched in front of me where I sat back against the wall, and he takes the knife gently from my hands, and puts it to the side, before pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sorry." I choke out.

"I'm sorry." I say again.

"Hey hey, it's alright, stop apologizing!" He says softly.

"You told me that it w-was bad to do it and I should stop, b-but I can't because I-I deserve it and it t-t-takes the pain away! I'm sorry Peter! I'm sorry!" I sob.

"You don't deserve it Y/N. There are other ways to make the pain go away. This isn't the best way to deal with it, your just hurting yourself more." Peter says in my ear.

I start to cry quietly, keeping a tight grip on Peter, as if I would fall if I let go.

Peter picks me up bridal style and caries me to the bathroom.

He places me in a sitting position on the counter.

"I'll be right back. You stay here." He says firmly.

I nod as he walks back out.

Minutes later he comes back in his normal clothes, a medical kit in hand.

He places the med kit on the counter beside me and starts rummaging through it.

He pulls out some gauge and some rubbing alcohol, and begins covering a cotton ball with the rubbing alcohol.

"This is going to sting a bit okay?" He says, carefully grabbing my arm and looking at me.

I nod.

He begins to wipe over the numerous gashes in my forearm gently.

He then takes a small cloth covered with water and wipes away all of the blood.

"You okay?" He asks.

I nod.

After cleaning the cuts, he begins to gently wrap my forearm with the gauge.

He puts all of the supplies back in the medical kit and puts all of the used supplies in the garage.

"Y/N...." he says as he carefully grabs my waist and stands in between my legs.

"Please don't do this again." He says, leaning towards me.

Even though I was sitting on the counter he was still taller.

We stop with our lips inches apart. He places a small kiss on my lips, before going in for another that lasts longer.

We pull apart for air and rest our foreheads together.

"If you need to talk to someone I'm here for you, just please stop, your hurting yourself even more." He says quietly.

I nod.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter! I'm sorry that it's so short but I've been rly busy but I'll try to get another one up maybe even two before the end of this week.

Anyways have an amazing day/night beautiful Humans!!

Love you guys!! ❤️❤️

644 Words

WolfGirl [Peter Parker x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now