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I had just gotten out of the hospital, walking with the aid of my crutches, to Mr.Smiths car.
I then got into the passenger seat of the baby blue pickup with some difficulties.

Once I was in, the director of the orphanage, Mr.Smith, started the engine, and we made our way to 'Queens National Orphanage'. ( I didn't wanna chooses some name like sunshine orphanage, so I chose this. sorry continue with the story now.)

I felt uncomfortable being in the car alone with mr. Smith. As nice as he seemed I didn't trust him at all.

We arrived at the orphanage some 25 minutes after leaving the North Shore hospital. The orphanage building looked well kept, and pretty sanitary, but you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
I suspected that the inside could be a disaster, covered in mould, broken floorboards, cracked walls and peeling wallpaper.

My suspicions were torn into pieces as I walked through the wooden doors of the orphanage, walking into a lobby looking room, wich I now identified as a 'family' room, as I noticed the many kids of different ages scattered around, either talking, watching from the flat-screen tv, or reading books.

"This is the main room, where adults come meet the kids, looking to adopt. There are 11 kids, 12 including you.
6 are under the age of 14, while the other 7 are over 14 years of age." Mr. Smith explained professionally.

"7 boys, 5 girls, the boys share a room right down the hall to the left, and the girls to the right, the dining room and kitchen being straight ahead. Bathrooms are in the bedrooms, one each, as well as one in the main room to the left of the reception." He continued.

"Now upstairs we have the rooms of the workers, wich are strictly off limits unless invited inside by the owner themselves. We also have a sitting room upstairs as well as 2 bathrooms, wich are strictly used for schooling for those who don't go to public schools." He explained with a serious tone, yet a smile still kept its place on his face.

"So that leaves upstairs off limits during 'school' hours, during wich time you will be attending your new school." He finished off.

I nod, not wanting to talk, the hospital being the last place I talked because of the questioning. To be honest, I was scared to let a single sound come out of my mouth, due to me usually getting punished by Harley if I made any noise or talked when I wasn't spoken directly to, being punished as well if I didn't talk when addressed.

So I just stayed quiet, scared that I would burst out in tears if I tried to talk.

Harley brought me to the girls room on the right, opening the door after a few short knocks and a quick 'come in'.

As I entered the small room, I noticed the three bunk beds that were placed around the room, one directly on the wall in front of the door, one on the wall to the left, and one on the wall to the right. The wood floor was clean of any clothes and toys you'd think you'd find in a bedroom of 5. There were two dressers on each side of the bunk beds, there being 6 in total, as well as 3 desks by each bed.

The window by the middle bunk bed was large enough to fit a full grown man out of it. It presented a wonderful view of Queens, just like my previous home. The blue floral curtains were pulled of to the sides, exposing the beautiful view.

After a couple of seconds of taking it in, Mr.Smith brought me to the bunk bed on the right. "You get the top. Hope sleeps under you. She's 7 years of age. Isabella and Ashley share the bunk bed by the window, while Embry and Calla get the bunk bed on the other side of the room."

"Isabella is 8, Ashley is 12, Embry is 13 and Calla is 11, making you the oldest girl here, besides my wife."

You'll get to meet them later at diner, as well as the boys and my wife Helen, and Sophie, the assistant caretaker. And please, call me William, or Will. Everyone else does, and besides, mr.Smith makes me sound old." He smiled brightly and I faked a smile in return.

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