2AM thoughts

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So this chapter is prolly gonna be short but I'll try and post a few more updates this week seeing as they won't be that long.

Anyways this chapter was inspired by some 2am thoughts I was having. I was basically just making a whole speech in my head about this topic so please enjoy!

Peter and I talked for a while.

He just comforted me while I balled my eyes out.
He gave me lots of forehead kisses and hugs as well.

We were now sitting on the bed, cuddling as we watched some random show play.

He played with my hair and I snuggled closer to him, loving how safe I felt in his arms.

"I love you Y/N."

"Love you too Peter."

I look into his doe brown eyes, those caring eyes that I could stare into all day and all night.

"Y/N, what are your thoughts of people making jokes about other people?" He asks quietly.

"Well I think people should stop."

"When you call someone Stupid or ugly because you think it's funny, they may be having complete opposite thoughts."

"Sure, they may laugh with you and act like it's a joke, but deep down inside some people will take it seriously."

"They'll go home, starting to pick out every other one of their flaws all because of that stupid joke."

"Things like that can really make people feel bad about themselves."

"They'll start to wonder if their good enough, and eventually with the continuation of these so called jokes, they'll start to believe that they aren't."

"Lots of people just want to feel like they are good enough for their friends and family, who them as well can sometimes make those jokes. And that's what makes lots of people sad in my opinion."

"Everyone just wants to be perfect, and they think they aren't because they don't have the right looks."

"And nobody's perfect."

"You could look like an angel that shouldn't belong in our world because your so beautiful, but, if you don't have a nice and caring personality, in my opinion you aren't perfect."

"Those people who think they aren't pretty or handsome a lot of the times, or maybe they do think they are, but those people with good personalities are tho ones who are perfect."

"People should really taste the tea before they spit it out." I sigh.

"Wow okay that was deep." Peter chuckles.

"You would make a great motivational speaker you know. I think you could help a lot of people of you went and talked to big audiences." He says quietly.

"Well see. I'm not exactly good with large crowds."

Peter laughs lowly, kissing my cheek and tightening his arms around me.

We had both fallen asleep after some time.

However, we were woken up by Mishka slipping into the bed in between us, and snuggling with us under the covers.

I see Sydney and Noelle sleeping on the couch looking rather comfy considering it's a couch.

I sigh, snuggling back up with Mishka and Peter.

"Night Baby girls." Peter says quietly.

"Night Pete."

"Night Dad."

I know it's short but I'll try and update either tmr or Thursday!!

Anyways have a great day beautiful humans!!


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