"Theo?" Liam gasped a bit surprisingly, when he ran into his boyfriend in the school library. "Li? Oh-um.." Even though both boys had superhuman senses, both were very surprised by each other's presence. Theo almost seemed scared and embarrassed to be found. Liam was judging that by the speed in which Theo tried returning the book he was holding back into the shelf.
"What are you doing here?" That might've seemed like a stupid question for anybody else. It was a public school library and it was full of people even after school ended. It wouldn't be a big deal. Except that Liam knew his boyfriend too well. It wasn't a surprise seeing Theo in the library. The boys came here quite often, but it definitely was a surprise for Liam to see his boyfriend who despised history in the History section. Liam knew more than well that Theo always complained when he had to go to Mr. Yukimura's history class, but couldn't stop bragging about how great biology was.
"What am I doing here? What're you doing here, baby wolf? Shouldn't you be in class?" Theo, who was mildly panicking at the moment, tried his best to change the subject.
"Well actually yeah, but the lesson was dismissed, because the teacher wasn't feeling good and there was no one who could substitute. So I decided to grab something to read," Liam explained and stepped closer to his boyfriend, "Still, Mr. Raeken," he started with a smirk wand in a teacher-like voice, "what do we have here?" Liam reached into the shelf forthe book that Theo tried hiding. Unsuccessfully. "No, Liam I-" "World War Two?" Liam furrowed his brows at the book and then looked at Theo, confused. "You have a project or something, babe? You know I can help you, right? I know all about world wars!" Liam's face suddenly lit up."You know, it's kinda funny how the second World war started! It was when-"
"Li, listen!"
"I don't have a project," Theo admitted, as they were sitting at the table, surrounded by history books.
"What do you mean? Why else would you be in the history section?" The younger beta was confused. A deep sigh came from Theo's lips as the chimera sunk his head in his palms.
"This is so embarrassing," Theo muttered to himself before looking into his boyfriend's eyes."Li, I wasn't here because of some stupid project. If so, I'd just rip it off the net," Theo explained. "Fair point," Liam nodded, quite impressed and ashamed that he didn't assume this option in the first place.
"I came here because of you," Theo's gaze dropped to the desk and the older boy started nervously fidgeting with his pen. "Babe, I still don't understand where you're heading with this.""Liam, don't you see?" It almost sounded as a helpless cry. A few people turned to look what was going on at their table. "Don't you see you're a frickin' nerd? You're so smart, you know everything about history and you're so passionate about it when you talk. It's honestly so beautiful and I just love listening to your voice when you speak about history so wholeheartedly, but the problem is that I'm fucking stupid and I don't have a clue what you're talking about!" Theo paused dramatically, mainly to catch his breath. Liam smelled Theo's frustration filling up the air around them and deducted that that's not all. He didn't dare to interrupt his boyfriend.
"So I came down here to learn something in order to understand you better, to understand what's so great about history and what's that sort of stuff you're so fascinated by, so maybe I could share your passion. But you ruined it, you stupid, cute idiot. I hate you." Theo groaned and ran his hands through his hair before locking his eyes with Liam's just to see a wide grin on Liam's face. "What?"
"That is so adorable, love." Liam chuckled and grabbed Theo's hand. "What? That you're a stupid, cute idiot?" "That you wanted to study because of me, so you'd understand me better." Liam gave Theo a peck on the cheek and the older bad boy started blushing a little.
"You know you could've just said that you'd like to know more, right? I'd love to explain the history events to you."
"Nuh-uh, that way I'd look like a nerd in your eyes. Remember baby wolf, you're the nerd and I'm the bad boy in this relationship."
"Is that so?" Liam laughed and intertwined his fingers with Theo's as they went to Theo's truck."So, you up for some videogames, Netflix and history?"
"Add your mom's delicious cookies and we have a deal baby wolf."
"You're such a nerd, Theo. I knew you wouldn't say no to history."
"I'd never. And next week you're up for Mr. Raeken's biology lessons."
"Hell no! That wasn't a part of our deal!"
"It is now."A/N: Hii babes! I'm really sorry for not posting for such a long time, I was lacking some good pics for inspiration, plus I just finished all of my exams on Monday! 🥳
So hopefully I'll have more time for writing! Don't forget to react & give me feedback how you liked this one! Love you all and thanks so much for reading, it means a lot to me 🥺❤️

oneshots || ENG thiam
Loup-garouTHEO x LIAM Theo Raeken and Liam Dunbar are the ship that should've sailed. End of debate. Now come & cry over short oneshots inspired by pictures. |photo inspired short oneshots|