"Mason, really... this ain't my style. Can't we just please head back to my place and play some videogames?" Liam whined as his best friend stopped in front of the Sinema entrance.
"No way. Nuh-uh Liam! Don't even try this! You've barely seen the sunlight after Hayden left town. You need to have some fun."Yeah, that was a good point, but Liam really wasn't in the mood for loud bass drums, flashing lights and alcohol. Besides, he couldn't even get drunk, so what was the point of being in this hell hole anyways? "I appreciate your concern, bro, but to be completely honest, this is making me more stress-" "Shut up, drama queen!" Mason pushed Liam inside and shut the door behind them.
As Liam predicted, it was bad. No. Actually it was even worse than he imagined. Why? Because Corey showed up and Mason disappeared to the bar with his boyfriend leaving Liam completely alone among strangers. "Great," Liam scoffed and got up, looking for his phone.
Mase, idk where you are but I'mma just head out to get some fresh air. Brb.
Liam "shouldered" his way out of the club back to the main entrance. As he finally shut the heavy door, he let out a sigh while ruffling his own hair. "Jesus Christ."
"Hey there, tough night, buddy?" He heard a chuckle coming from aside. Liam looked to the source and saw a handsome guy in a black learher jacket sitting nearby. He had the most magical smile Liam had ever seen.
Nodding, Liam made his way over to him. "A little piece of advice...You shouldn't mix it." The cute stranger laughed. But it wasn't in a mocking way, more like gentle and caring. Not in a mean way. "What?" Liam furrowed his brows. "Don't mix drinks next time, 'kay?" He took a sip out of his own cup. "O-oh, yeah, not really." Liam shrugged, "My best friend pulled me out but I wasn't in a mood. Clubs aren't my thing. I just wanted to stay home and play games, that's all." The smaller teen explained."Perfectly fine to me, I'd say. Theo Raeken by the way. And you are?" "Liam." "Oh c'mon, just Liam. You don't have a last name?" Theo winked. Liam shook his head smiling. "Dunbar, ass." "Nice to meet you Dunbar ass. Sounds exotic. You Mexican or something?"
They both fell into laughter. Hey, maybe this evening wasn't that bad after all. Theo seemed like a nice guy."Speaking of antisocial behavior... What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be inside partying with others?" "Nah, I just heard about this place. Ya see, I'm kinda new here in Beacon Hills... so I decided to check it out. Turns out this place is a disappointment." Theo chuckled and took another sip. "I'd rather stay out here and talk with you."
Liam didn't protest. Theo was charming, funny and self-confident. But on the other hand he wasn't mean or ironic. Liam liked that a lot. Especially when he thought the opposite at first - black leather jacket, messy hair and a stubble. Typical bad boy. But maybe he was wrong. And he decided to be completely sure about being wrong.
"So are you up for some talking Liam?" "Definitely!" "Okay, so let's go get you a drink. It's on me. I have a feeling this is going to be an interesting night." Theo smiled and gave Liam a mischevious wink.

oneshots || ENG thiam
WerewolfTHEO x LIAM Theo Raeken and Liam Dunbar are the ship that should've sailed. End of debate. Now come & cry over short oneshots inspired by pictures. |photo inspired short oneshots|