Lazy Saturday

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To Liam's luck - well, not really... he recieved a phone call from Scott right after he woke up on a Saturday morning. Theo was lying next to him, still sound asleep, even though the sunlight was already shining thought the blinders.

Liam groaned as he rolled out of bed, reaching for his muted vibrating phone with Scott's name on it. He already knew that this relaxing day just came to an end. And it was only nine in the morning.

"Yeah?" "Liam, be ready in ten minutes. We're leaving." "What? Scott I just woke up! Me and Theo-" "Theo'll have to wait. A new group of hunters is just one town away from Beacon Hills. It's a threat to the whole city and its supernatural habitants. Be there in ten." And Scott hung up. Liam didn't have to have a werewolf sense for this. Every time that Scott called, it meant another ruined day Liam could spend just cuddling his boyfriend and then heading out to Dunkin's in the afternoon when they got bored.

Now Liam was just wondering, why he kept picking up Scott's phonecalls when he knew what would come.


Theo woke up at eleven AM. He didn't even hear Liam leave, just found a note on the kitchen counter as he went to make breakfast.

GM babe, sorry I wasn't there to cuddle. Scott called - some business just a town away popped up. Some new hunter group, so the pack had to go deal with it. Including me and my protests. Be back ASAP, love u! ❤️ L.

"Oh hell," Theo murmured as he read the note. He too was counting on a day spent entirely with Liam, doing absolutely nothing.
It wasn't called a lazy Saturday for nothing.


"What's with the smush face?" Stiles poked Liam in the back of his head and earned a silent growl, "Somebody didn't sleep well? Or Theo didn't let you?" Stiles snorted. "Stiles," Scott who was driving, gave his best friend a parental glare. As if saying now's not a good time. And Stiles should know, since Liam still had his IED.
Instead, Scott tried in a way that could leave his head in place and there wouldn't be a chance of getting it ripped off by a hormonal werewolf teenager.

"Liam, what's wrong? You haven't said a single word since we got in the car." The Alpha earned a deathly glare from his young Beta.

"What's wrong, Scott? What's wrong? I'm a fucking werewolf and a high school student," Liam lashed out that Scott almost flew into a ditch with the car, but managed to keep it on the road,

"And I have one single day a week to relax, which happens to be today! Monday 'til Friday I'm at school or at lacrosse practice and on Sundays I spend time with my family or with y'all, which is sometimes a pain in the ass. Sorry. And you guys choose to go hunter hunting on my only free day I get to have with my boyfriend! So did you expect me to be a cute little ray of sunshine? Fuck no!"

Liam almost roared and then turned his head back to the window. "Wow, intense." Stiles peeped sarcastically with a grin and now he earned deathly glares from the whole pack.


Since Liam couldn't be home with Theo, he thought that at least texting his boyfriend could put him in a better mood.

Hey babe

Heyy baby wolf ❤️ how's the hunter stalking going? When will you get back?

Don't ask. Stiles is a pain in the ass and it doesn't seem I'll be back in like 3 more hrs 😒

Whatcha doin? Enjoying our lazy Saturday for both of us at least?

*image sent*

I think it's going well but we miss you pumpkin. ❤️ Well, at least I do, not so sure 'bout Joey here 😂 Get your sexy ass back home asap. Or else 🤨😏

Or else what? 🤔🤣


Liam put his phone quicker than he intended to do and started blushing uncontrollably, trying his best to face out of the window. But he kind of forgot that the car was full of other werewolves (and a werecoyote) who could smell his chemosignals.

"Theo texted." Malia stated with an evil grin. And earned a few silent giggles from the others.

Liam decided to ignore it, hid his smile under his palm, which was covering his mouth as he was silently praying for the trip to be over very soon so he could get back to enjoy a not so lazy Saturday anymore with Theo, who had a very exciting offer.

A/N: Hey everyone! Just wanted to say a quick thank you for so many views and likes! 🥺 And also for your support. I know I'm crappy at updating but I don't really have time for writing, so I usually post pre-listed chapters to my other stories, that's why updates on these oneshots suck so much, since I write them at 12PM 🤣
Anyways, I hope you enjoy as always and don't forget to leave any kind of feedback to keep me motivated! ❤️ LOVE YOU TONS, werewolf fam! 🐺

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