Red Cheeks

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"I-I really don't know what to say, Li. This isn't perfect... this is way more than perfect!" Theo kept looking around and smiling happily.

This wasn't the typical Raeken smirk or grin. This was the lost child. The one Theo never got a chance to be. Theo always kept his tough unbreakable mask on. He was the one to shower Liam in flowers, gifts and wonderful dates but this time they switched the roles.
This time it was Liam who took Theo out for lunch to the city center.

"Was the food good here, love?" Liam kept asking, because he wanted everything to be as oerfect as Theo always makes it for him.
"Are you serious, babywolf? This is absolutely amazing! The food, the view and having you here with me. I couldn't possibly wish for anything else!"

Theo leaned over the table to give Liam a long, passionate loving kiss. Liam's cheeks turned bright red as Theo sat back down, chin in his hands and an amazed look on his face.

"You're so adorable, babe, you know that?" Theo provoked. "Stop," Liam murmured and tried to hide the crimson on his cheeks with his palms. "I'm a killing machine."
And that's when Theo lost it and broke into laughter. This certainly didn't help Liam to get rid of his blush. Actually, it had an exact opposite effect. "I really hate you, Theodore."
Liam grumbled with furrowed brows and Theo leaned in to peck a kiss on Liam's nose.
"Yeah right. Liar." Theo winked and took a sip of his beer abd placing his palm upwards on the table, waiting for Liam's to intertwine with his.

"Well, maybe, maybe not. Guess you'll never know, Raeken." The younger boy muttered again under his breath and grabbed Theo's hand right after. "Well I certainly know now."

A/N: Hii babes! This one's a but shorter, I'm sorry! I just have a "I'm in stresso, need espresso" mood lately because of my coming uo final exams in school and I'm a bit nervous. Wish me luck in December-January! 💋 xoxo

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