It was a normal school day for Liam. In the morning he woke and spent another fifteen minutes lying in bed, staring at the ceiling and contemplating how to manage to stay at home and not go to school.
He knew what would come at the exact second when he stepped on the school's property. And he had to deal with it every single day. Plus the worst part was, he had to hide it from his boyfriend, Theo.
"Hey lads! Look who's here!" A tall masculine boy from the lacrosse team hollered at his friends, who immediately gathered around Liam right next to his locker. "What's up, Dumb-bar? Not talking with us today?" The bully boss spoke up again in an annoyingly sarcastic tone and his sidekicks started laughing as if he just cracked the funniest joke of the century. "Logan, could you give me a break for at least one day?!" Liam cried out frustrated and tried to push past them only to get shoved roughly into the lockers by one of Logan's monkeys.
"Oooh, did I make you upset, you big baby? I don't like tantrums, I think I should teach you a lesson." Logan announced in a teacher-like tone through gritted teeth and his friends grabbed Liam by the shoulders, holding him down.
Oh shit, no. Liam thought. How would he possibly explain a black eye to his parents, who think he's one of the popular kids at Beacon Hills High. But what scared Liam more was explaining his bruised face to Theo.Logan's hand formed into a fist and rose above to the height of the bully's head. Liam turned his face, shutting his eyes tightly and waiting for the punch. But it didn't come... Instead, Liam was met with a more than familiar voice.
"I fucking dare you to hit him!" A loud roar filled up the hallway, which fell into a scary silence right after. "And who the hell are-" Logan didn't get a chance to finish, because his face was met by Theo's fist.
Liam was frozen. The bullies let go of him and hurried over to help their boss out, like little servants. But Liam didn't felt relieved. Now he just wished he'd taken the punch instead.
There were four jocks standing against one. Against his Theo. And what was possibly worse, now Theo knew that Liam was getting bullied and there was an inevitable talk coming up."You shouldn't have done that, kid. Do you know who I am?!" Logan took his hand off of his eye and focused his gaze on Theo, who didn't look anything close to scared. "Umm... let me guess... A really stupid lacrosse player, who's failing history classes, because that seems like a fact, since you're picking on the smartest guy from history class. Oh! Stupid me, I almost forgot the most important part! You have a small dick so you're trying to make it up by picking on others to prove that you're one hell of a man." Theo stated, completely unamused and serious.
The hallway was suddlenly filled by "oooohs" and "daaaaamns" and Liam watched how Logan's face turned broght red, his fists clenching tightly. "What the fuck did you say, you dweeb?!" He roared and threw himself on Theo, who managed to maneuver himself aside elegantly tand Logan slammed his face onto the locker. Laughter echoed through the hallway and some people even started clapping. That distracted Theo for a second, which gave an advantage to one of Logan's friends and Theo's upper cheek and eye was met with his fist.
"Theo!" Liam called out and wanted to rush over to help his beloved one, but he was cut off by o e of Logan's sheep. Liam knew that he wasn't the target of their attention anymore and that made his stomach twist and cramp.
Luckily, the hit wasn't strong enough to put Theo down. He was stronger, and Liam knew that he was definitely better built than the guy who punched his face. Sure, Liam knew that it would look ugly by the end of the day, but nothing too serious.
After the punch, things took a fast turn. At that moment, Liam started thinking about if he's really the one with anger issues.
In a matter of seconds, one by one, the lacrosse players fell to the ground or ran away, hiding their faces from humiliation, which would certainly come later on.
The last one who stayed was Logan. He was crouched down on the floor in front of Theo, holding his ribs.
The audience was completely silent, waiting what would happen next. Theo knelt down in front of Logan and muttered something inaudible to Liam and the others, but Logan quickly gazed up, looking Theo straight to the eyes. "If you ever lay a single finger on him or dare to glare at him in a less than polite way," then Theo pointed to Liam and giving his boyfriend a quick smile, "I will rip your balls off and stuff them down your throat. Did I make myself clear, Logan?" Their faces were inches apart, but Liam still saw Theo's deathly glare. Even Logan couldn't take it anymore and scurried backwards, trying his best to get as far from Theo as possible. "Y-Yes, all clear!" He shrieked in a high-pitched voice and earned another laugh from the kids who were watching. "So? What are you waiting for?" Theo asked sweetly with a charming smile, while taking a step closer to Logan,"SCRAM, you little shit!" The smile faded and was immediately replaced with the death glare again. Logan scrambled up to his feet and fleed down the hallway. Suddenly, a deafening wave of applause surrounded Theo.*
"Baby, why on Earth didn't you tell me about this?!" Theo sounded really alike his stepdad, while giving him the talk. Liam couldn't dare to look Theo in the eyes as they were sitting on a bench near the parking lot. "I was scared," Liam muttered, "I didn't want you to think I'm weak and that you need to protect me. And what about this?!" Liam's voice cracked as he pointed to Theo's black eye with teary eyes.
Theo grabbed Liam's hand, which was pointed at his face and brought it down to carress it in his lap. "Sweetheart, this is just a scratch to me. I've had far worse injuries than a stupid bruise. Some ice and it'll be gone in no time. Plus, who the hell told you you were weak? I've seen you play lacrosse and don't make me start on our play fighting!" Theo laughed and managed to make a smile appear on Liam's face. "Thank you for helping me out, babe." Liam finally looked at Theo and was met with the prettiest smile he's ever seen. "It's my job to take care of you and protect you, my baby wolf. I'm glad your pretty face didn't get hurt." "But yours did." Liam pointed out sadly. "Yeah, but mine's not as pretty as yours." "Shut up! Don't say that!" Liam smiled and gave Theo a big, long kiss as a thank you.
"Yeah, my little wolf?"
"I think I've heard that cuddles make bruises disappear faster."
Theo couldn't help himself but laugh at how cute his boyfriend was. "Whatever you say, baby."

oneshots || ENG thiam
WerwolfTHEO x LIAM Theo Raeken and Liam Dunbar are the ship that should've sailed. End of debate. Now come & cry over short oneshots inspired by pictures. |photo inspired short oneshots|