"This isn't a good idea, baby. What if they don't like me?" Theo mumbled as they were on their way to Florida.
Liam decided to take some time off from protecting Beacon Hills and thought it would be an awesome idea to disappear together with his boyfriend all the way to Florida, where his aunt and uncle lived."Oh shut your piehole, Raeken! Why wouldn't they love you? My parents loved you. My aunt Samantha is my dad's sister and she's the most chill person you'll ever meet. Trust me."
And of course it went exactly as Liam said. Samantha and her husband had a small lovely house, which looked more like a cottage than an actual house in the Miami suburbs.
"Boys!" Samantha squealed happily when her nephew with his boyfriend got out of the car. "Oh boy, Li! Look at you, young man! Where the heck did that cute boy from last summer disappear? You're a full grown ass man now!" She laughed and pulled her brother's son in a tight, welcoming hug. "Sam!" Liam laughed. He really lived spending time at Samantha's place. She wasn't an aunt to him, more like a very close friend."And who's this? Wow, so many handsome guys under one roof, lucky me! At least the neighbors will have something to gossip about!" Sam walked over to Theo, who was standing right next to Liam, "Theo, am I right?" She smiled politely, not wanting to scare him off. But Theo was smiling widely, even though he was a but nervous. "Absolutely right, m'aam! Theodore Raeken, Liam's boyfriend. It's a pleasure to meet you." He stretched out his palm towards Samantha, but she pulled him into a hug instead. "Pleasure's definitely on my side, Theo. And please, call me Sam. Let's keep the politeness for Liam's parents. Now come on in, boys! I've got some lemonade ready for y'all!"
Theo and Liam followed her inside. "I like her, she's awesome!" Theo chuckled quietly. "I know, right?"It was a really lovely place for a holiday. Samantha and her husband Richard also had a cozy backyard with stone walls surrounding it and keeping them privacy. Sam's backyard was lovely. She had a wooden porch with a grill, a flower garden, perfectly trimmed green grass - almost as if it was fake and a built-in pool in the ground. "Wow," Theo gasped when they all sat down on the porch sofa, "I feel like I'm in heaven?" Sam chuckled and poured some lemonade for the boys. "Well thank you, it was pretty exhausting to make this place look so comfortable!"
Soon after, Liam's uncle returned from work and joined the family meeting. Sam and Richard wanted to know all about Liam and Theo's relationship and how they met. Miami was a gossip town. And even though Sam and Rich would never tell anybody, since they were aware of supernatural beings since Liam was in danger, the gossiping still ran in their bloodstreams.
"Wow, young man! I haven't seen ya for over a year and look at yourself! Where did that cute kiddo go?" Richard ruffled Liam's hair with a smile. "Keeping up with the werewolf image, I guess." Liam shrugged and started laughing.
A lot of things changed and Liam decided to go for a change too. He was sick and tired of being Scott's cute little beta and over time he got quite fed up with his clean faced image of a high school sweet boy. Everyone saw him like that despite the fact that he had anger issues and was captain of the lacrosse team.
He was over the phase of his first real childhood crush - Hayden. They dated for a while but Liam's inner wolf kept telling him something wasn't right.
But then he met Theo. It was hate at first sight, but as they say: Keep your friends close and enemies even closer.
But Liam's wolf was even more stubborn than the teenager and gave a big twist to that motto. It surely didn't mean start dating your enemy. And Liam couldn't be more thankful for his wolf at that point. It was the best thing to happen to both of the boys. Theo turned out to be a really sweet and caring guy under his bad boy mask. He treated Liam as an equal, as a lifetime partner. He didn't expect anything from Liam like Hayden did. And that's when Liam's wolf made the call - it was time for a change.A new era of their lives began and Liam wanted to leave the past behind. And that meant his looks too. He wasn't a naive teen, who couldn't control himself anymore.
He was a man. He had found a partner for life - his mate and anchor. He wasn't treated as a young boy, but as a grown man who had opinions and choices.
So Liam decided to grow his hair and beard out and went for some tattoos. And Theo loved it. He finally stopped seeing Liam as his babywolf and the constant need of protecting him faded away (but only slightly)."What?" Liam asked later as he and Theo were laying next to the swinming pool. "Nothing," Theo smiled, "I just love your new image, Li." "I'm glad you do. I think it was time for a new start. Plus, you're looking differently at me now." Liam said with suspicion. "Am I?" Theo smirked, "Well you're definitely not my babywolf anymore now. I'll have to think about a new pet name."
"Well, I think you can come up with something in the bedroom this evening." Liam returned the smirk as he heard Theo's heart skip a beat. "Oh, I'm so in!"

oneshots || ENG thiam
Lupi mannariTHEO x LIAM Theo Raeken and Liam Dunbar are the ship that should've sailed. End of debate. Now come & cry over short oneshots inspired by pictures. |photo inspired short oneshots|