Chapter 4

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"I vow to treat you as good as my leather and ride you as much as my Harley"
"Alright boys, here's your combat pay." Said Chibs as he walked around the table handing the guys stacks of envelopes filled with money.
"This small percentage of new guns is pretty sweet; Mayans, Italians, Niners, everybody loves them" Opie said.
"Small percentages are over." Jax smirked.
"Piney, Opie, Chibs, Kozik , outstanding job holding all this together especially with this new business and with Kat. I deeply appreciate it. Now, what's up with this mayor utopia?" Clay began
"Well Hale's got a shit load of presages and just needs a few more investors, then they can start swinging hammers" Opie reported.
"And this Oswald construction bed, what is it? Some sort of consolation prize?" Clay retorted.
"When Hale ran that 99 on ramp through the city council, all that timber land went in the domain and Elliot lost millions, so Hale's letting him make it up with lumber and labor" Piney added.
"He's building homes in this town that no in this town can afford. See a problem? City council, zoning committees, getting rid of Charming PD? We're not gonna let this happen." argued Clay. For a moment, silence fell over the room, then Jax began to speak, "So this black and proud sheriff Roosevelt. Who is he?"
"Task force from Oakland." Chibs replied.
"Been here for 10 months, he's let us know he's here, but this is he first time he's whipped his dick out" Opie added
"He's been pretty low-key." Kozik said.
"Well I don't know about that. A couple weeks ago Eli came to my front door with his other guys. He was asking me questions, one of them being if I'm affiliated with the MC. I asked him why would that matter and he claimed he was just getting to know his townsfolk." Kat chimed in.
"So today was about letting us know it's not gonna be business as usual." Jax said.
"You're not gonna get him on you're payroll. This guy's a straight up cop." Piney said looking at Clay.
"Alright anyways," Chibs began, "the meeting with Putlova is set up for the Jellybean."
"What is it with Russians and strippers?" Jax laughed.
"Have you been to the Jellybean? Those aren't strippers, it's horse meat in a g-string." Opie claimed.
"I-I loved the Jellybean." Tig stammered.
"Of course you do." Juice smirked.
"I love it too!" Happy added.
"Aaaand the freak circle is complete." Juice laughed and everyone else began chuckling.
"OPE! Everything set?" Jax asked.
"Yeah. The Wahewa's gonna let us use the southeast reservation, off the 18 around six o'clock. And by the way, I know how much money is in those envelopes so those wedding gifts better not be bull shit."
"Alright, let's go!" Clay ended. All the guys stood up, but then he spoke again "Aye, this is a very big day, so let's get it done."
Everyone made their way out of the chapel, but trouble began before they even stepped outside.
"Clay, we got company. Two sheriffs watchin' us down the block." Phil informed.
"Well he can't follow all of us. Jax and Opie with me, we'll need the rest to get us there. Squeaky, drive the tow truck behind us." Clay ordered.
"Is that because you're upset with me?" Miles asked.
"You're on parole genius." Juice explained.
Clay walked over to Kat before they took off, "You good?"
"Yeah. I'm fine. I've been waiting for this." she replied.
"Good. Get goin."
They all began walking outside and hopped on their bikes. Kat began to start hers up when Juice pulled up next to her.
"We haven't formally met. I'm Juice."
"Hey, you're the Puerto Rican I'm prettier than right?"
"Um, I guess." He nervously laughed.
"That was a joke. It's nice to meet you Juice." Kat laughed.
"You're going to the wedding right?" Juice asked.
"Of course."
"Well, uh, save me a dance?"
Kat paused, "Yeah. That sounds like a good idea." She smiled and rode off with Juice following happily behind her .
"Mr. Lincoln Potter." Officer Eli said as he walked in behind Lincoln into a room with the walls flooded in photos and mugshots. "Do you really think you'll be able to use RICO against the Sons?"
"Oh yes," Lincoln replied. "they have become a major distributor for the Real IRA a.k.a. the Irish Kings." Lincoln turned toward the wall marked with all the Irishmen and their accomplices. "They had recently struck a deal in Belfast and killed Mr. Jimmy O. Phelan. The IRA gave them access to a whole new caliber of weapons."
"And the Russians fit in where amongst all this?" Eli asked.
"They provided a safe house for Phelan for guns, but received a better offer from the Sons. Clay doubled-crossed Putlova, took Jimmy, and left the Russians with zip."
"Which is why Jax got shivved in Stockton. Retaliation." Eli connected.
"For peace, Clay made a deal with Putlova. They got the share of guns and profits while Clay was inside." Lincoln added.
"The Sons are out so all of that will change."
"And we'll know how very soon."
"You have an insider?"
Lincoln turned to Agent Grad sitting at the conference table. Grad slid a photo over to Eli, "Agent Ronald Zwersky. Been undercover for about a year with the Russians and is very close to becoming Putlova's number two." Grad informed.
"Once our agent is inside, we'll be able to get tape on Putlova buying and selling guns and with one broad stroke we will take down the R.O.C., the Real I.R.A and the S.O.A." Lincoln said.
"And all this is going down in San Joaquin." groaned Eli.
"You've had years of street time with gangs and players of northern Cali Eli. You're not here by default. We need you." Lincoln said. For a moment there was a slight pause.
"Alright, count me in." Eli grinned.
Clay, OPE and Jax walked through the sweaty, grimy doors of the Jellybean. Putlova stood up as soon as he saw them. "Welcome gentlemen," he looked over at Jax, "I trust that you are healing well?"
"Fine, but it's just business right?" Jax replied with slight sarcasm.
"Yes, I'm glad you could settle all that."
"It's not all settled. You've been taking 80% of Irish stock to your customers up north?" Clay asked.
"And 80% of the risk as well, we handled all the transport and storage." Putlova clarified.
"Well now it's time for that, uh, equal share scenario to kick in."
"Yes, as we discussed. you get 50% of the hardware, but if we continue to transport and house the guns, we need to be compensated." Putlova explained to Clay.
"Well it's gonna take us a while to set up shop, we'll give you 5%"
"That's an awful lot of risk and manpower for 5%"
"Aye," Opie jumped in, "we know how much you're making, more than these guns. don't play broken peasant with us."
"Fair enough. 5% for the first month, 15 if you decide to stay longer."
"Deal. Um, you gonna wanna see the new merch, get familiar with it." Clay said.
"I wanted to bring it here." Putlova explained.
"We got local eyes on us. Hoping we could see em' tonight. Check out you operation." Jax implied.
"I thought tonight was a celebration?" Asked Putlova.
"Yeah. We thought it'd be a good cover to get away." Clay said.
Putlova thought about it. "I'll make sure my men are there."
"So we'll see you at the party?" Asked Clay with a slight smile.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Putlova grinned.
Meanwhile in the midst of this deal, Chibs, Juice, Tig, Bobby, Happy, Kozik, Miles and Kat were in handcuffs on the side of the road for the mini chase they had earlier with Charming PD. Tig looked over at Bobby, "Bobby, you gettin' anything for Ope?"
"I was just gonna give him cash."
Happy looked over at Chibs, "whatchu givin' him?"
"Well, more than you Chiapas bastards."
"I'm not cheap. I'm just mindful of excessive spending." retorted Happy.
"Dude you reuse condoms." Miles added and all the guys either laughed or cringed.
"How bout' you Juicy?" Bobby asked.
"10 sessions each at Clear Passages."
Nothing but silence and blank looks fell over their faces. "It's the herbal colonic and weed shop. I own 20%"
"Well that's interesting." Kat laughed.
"That is so disturbing." Tig added.
"Have you ever seen the contents?" Juice began before everyone began laughing.

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