Chapter 10

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"Keep your emotions in check, along with the men in your life."
Kat fixes herself a lonely breakfast at her place. Juice prays at the site of Miles unmarked grave. Gemma arrives at Tara's house and finds a death threat on the seat of Tara's car. Inside the house Gemma asks Tara if the threat could be related to the hospital and Tara disagrees insisting it must be related to the club. Tara wants to call the police but Gemma reminds her that doing so puts the club in danger and insists they call Unser to investigate.

SAMCRO meets with Mayans Northern Cali to deliver ammunition and find out about the cocaine preparation and distribution operation. Clay, Jax, Bobby, Tig and Kat are in attendance from SAMCRO and Alvarez, Rafi, Micah and Pedro greet them from the Mayans. Jax questions Micah's presence and if his past actions will affect the future of SAMCRO and Mayan relations. Clay expresses concern that they are in the middle of a residential area and Alvarez reassures him that the locals are co-operative and that the police department stay away. Alvarez shows them into a house and then down into the basement. In the basement four women dressed in their underwear and face masks are cutting cocaine and separating it into packages for retail. Kat receives looks from the women as if she was in the wrong profession. In the next room the cocaine is being hidden inside stacks of tortillas. Tig jokes that the Mayans are living up to a racial stereotype by packaging their drugs in traditional Mexican food. Jax asks how many dealers the Mayans are supplying and Alvarez relates that while they have only 28 at present they plan to triple that number and begin supplying prisons. Bobby asks about the Mayans ongoing heroin trade and Alvarez admits that currently street buying is slow but remarks that the drug trade tends to go in cycles. Jax takes a call from Tara, learns of the death threat and tells Clay that they need to leave.

Just before leaving, Micah pulls Katalina to the side to talk about their past discussion.  He asks she would choose SAMCRO over him. Kat attempts to walk away, but Micah snatches her arm. Jax sees the situation pushes Micah away from Kat. The two of them exchange words, then part ways. Jax asks Kat if she's okay and Kat assures that she didn't need saving.

As SAMCRO exit the house a car rams the front gate and the passengers fire on both the Mayans and the Sons with automatic weapons. One of the Mayans is knocked down by the car; a civilian, a Mayan, and Alvarez are shot. Rafi and Pedro pull Alvarez into cover. Micah pulls Kat down beside the bikes as bullets flew overhead. The drive by shooters flee and Jax pursues them, taking a handgun from the shot Mayans member.

Alvarez's wound is in the shoulder and he remains conscious – he orders Rafi to have someone guard his wife and children. Clay asks how far away Alvarez's gunshot doctor is and Alvarez says they are not too far nodding towards the dead civilian. Clay asks Alvarez to follow him and orders Tig to contact Tara. At Tara's house Opie and Chibs have arrived for guard duty and Thomas is crying. Gemma takes a call and instructs Tara to bring her medical bag as they head to the clubhouse.

Jax tails the shooters into a warehouse district. They stop and draw open fire on him and he takes cover behind a tanker. Jax hits one of the shooters in the thigh. The other shooter gets back into the car, profanely ordering the rotund driver to move across and then pulling away. Jax approaches the downed shooter and secures his weapon. The car reverses back forcing Jax aside and running over the injured shooter. Jax remounts his bike and gives chase once more.

The rest of the club arrive back at the Teller Morrow garage. Filthy Phil is guarding the gate. Gemma and Tara wait for them with the death threat and the medical bag in hand. Unser pulls in behind the others. Gemma asks where Jax is and Clay tells her he is pursuing the shooter, Gemma is surprised, unaware of the events at the Mayans operation. Rafi and Pedro help the injured Alvarez out of their truck and Tara asks them to bring him into the clubhouse. Kat continues to ignore Micah as he tries to consult her and follows her into the clubhouse. Unser asks Gemma what is going on and she shows him the death threat and asks him to investigate. Unser confirms that the club is protecting Tara as Clay looks back.

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