Chapter 8

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The light from the sunrise spilled in my bedroom window and flashed into my eyes giving me a notice that it was time to get up. My body ached all over, but even with everything that occurred the night before, I was able sleep peacefully. Juice's arms had been wrapped around me the whole night. I sort of felt like everything was gonna be okay, but something else was bound to happen. I had just been threatened by my ex boyfriend and refused to tell my current one about it. There was no way I'd tell Juice that Micah was over last night in fear that it may start a quarrel between the Sons and the Mayans. No matter, right now, I was okay and everything was going to be fine, for now.
Juice slowly peeled himself away from me, being cautious not to wake me up, but little did he know that I was already awake, I just hadn't decided when to force myself to take on the day. A little while after he got up, I made my way over to the kitchen to find Him making some breakfast.
"Morning." he said as he saw me come around the corner.
I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his shirtless torso, "Good Morning."
He took one hand and slid a few loose curls out of my face as the other hand held a skillet cooking what seemed to be bacon. He wrapped his free arm around my shoulders, pulling me in tighter to his body. "Sleep well?" he asked.
I slowly nodded my head and moved into a position where only one of my arms was around his waist and his still around my shoulders.
"So when are you gonna tell me what happened last night?" He asked.
"N-nothing happened," I stuttered. "I told you I just didn't wanna be alone."
"You and I both know that's bullshit." Juice flashed me a side smile and raised eyebrow as he walked over to put the bacon on a plate.
"No, what's bullshit is that you won't tell me was Roosevelt was telling you the other day."
"Ah. Spotlight change. Nice try." Juice laughed. "Bacon?"
I leaned against the counter and I shot him a "seriously" look.
"Aye, you don't tell me, I don't tell you."
"That's not how this works at all."
"Wanna bet?" He smirked.
"Anyways, do you have any idea what Clay has on the agenda?" I asked.
"Pretty sure we're discussing a few things with the Mayans and the coke." Then Juice's phone vibrated in his pocket. He checked for a contact and then quickly put it back in his pocket. "And it looks like I've added one more thing to my agenda." He said as he grabbed his cut and went toward the door.
"Wait who was that?"
"Just Chibs. I guess one of the storage crates needs some fixing." Juice said quickly.
"He can't do that himself?" I asked suspiciously.
"It's a big crate." Juice continued as he opened the door. "I'll see you later on today?"
"Um, I don't think so. Gonna tell Clay I'm a little shaken up from last night. Probably just sit out today."
"Yeah so shaken up you had a gun out in the open." Juice said referring to the hand gun on my coffee table.
"Holy shit that's Micah's." I thought to myself.
"Who's gun is that anyways? Doesn't look like yours." Juice asked.
"Um, it's just uh, one I keep in the house. Just in case." I covered.
"Bullshit. Who's is it?"
"It's mine. I swear." I reassured.
Juice slimmed his eyes and let out a deep breath. "Get some more rest please. Take some vitamins or something."
"Whatever you say Dr. Ortiz." I smiled.
"See you." Juice finished as he walked out of my door and down the driveway.
As soon as I saw Juice pull off on his bike, I ran for my cellphone in the pocket of my cut. I punched the numbers into the phone and waited for a ring.
"Ah, I see you made a quick decision, no?" Micah's voice felt like swords going through my ears.
"No asshole. You left your gun at my place."
"Oh that's right. You didn't want to keep it as a memory?" He said as though I could see the corners of his mouth rising into a sinister smile.
"Actually, yeah I'll keep it so that the next time I see you I can shoot you with it."
"Damn. Rude much?"
"I really do hate you."
"It's an honor."
"Can you just come get your stupid gun please?"
"I don't feel like riding down, so how about you ride up to Oakland. Say hi, see my mom. She misses you."
I rolled my eyes, "First off, your mom hated me. She called me the 'Colombian Curse' and second off, I. Hate. YOU."
"Seriously? Keep the gun."
"Micah I'm not keeping your fucking gun."
"Then bring it back to me right now."
"Aren't the Mayans down here to meet with the Sons anyways? Shouldn't you be out here?"
"Actually I stayed back for this meeting. You have a couple hours before they get back."
"Have I told you I hate you?"
"Only about a million times babe." Micah laughed.
"You're a jerk, but I guess you're not coming to me so I'll be there shortly."
"Can't wait."
"Fuck off."
"Fuck me?"
"Ugh." I slammed my phone shut and dragged my hands through my hair out of frustration. I needed to figure out how I was gonna get to Oakland without Juice, Clay, or even Jax finding out. I needed to get the gun back to Micah especially because I'm surprised that Juice didn't notice Micah put his initials on the slide and if I keep it any longer, he's bound to find out.
I placed my cut in my room on my bed and threw a bare midriff long sleeve and with a regular jean vest. I slipped into some slim, light blue jeans, grabbed some black boots and went outside to my Chevy, me taking my bike to Oakland just didn't sit well with me. I backed out of my driveway and began my road on the highway to hell.

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