Chapter 3

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~Day of Release~
Everyone was at the club house waiting on the return of the rest of the MC. Piney walked over to Tara who was holding Thomas.; Tara had seemed a little anxious.
"History's dead sweetheart, it's gotta stay that way." Piney implied with Tara's recent discovery of the letters from Belfast. Piney walked off and Gemma had then walked up.
"You've done great." Gemma said.
"I couldn't have done it without you Gem." Tara replied.
"It wasn't just me, it was the whole club." They both laughed. Then the revving of engines sounded.
"Daddy's home." Gemma smiled at Thomas. The guys came rolling in through the gates and everyone cheered. Jax got off his bike and immediately kissed Tara. Clay went over and gave Gemma a huge smile before he kissed her, then he looked around.
"Where's Kat?" He asked.
"I don't know. She hasn't been here all morning." Gemma walked over to Jax handing him a small brown bag.
"Picked out the one you wanted." She smiled
"Thanks Ma."
Then she walked back over to Clay.
"Where's Wayne?" He asked
"I don't know. He said he'd be here."
"Good to have you back Clay-"
"Holy shit Chuckie." Clay backed away as he looked at Chuckie's prosthetic fingers.
"You grow those?" Bobby asked
"Gemma ordered them for me."
"His nubs were freaking me out" they all laughed
"Chapel in 10 minutes." Clay announced
The guys began walking into the clubhouse, stopping by the bar before entering chapel. Outside, Katalina sped in on her bike and ripped off her helmet. Gemma started to walk over to her, "I know, I'm late."
"Just a little bit sweetheart. C'mon, Clay is about to make the announcement in chapel. All the guys are at the bar in the clubhouse."
Kat rushed through the doors and as soon as she entered, all she saw were blank stares and dropped jaws. Jax walked out of the back room and saw Kat standing in by the door and he walked over to join the rest of the guys at the bar.
"Is that-"
"I don't know, but she's hot." Juice whispered as he interrupted Jax.
"Wait no-" Juice started as Tig hopped over the counter to Kat.
"You lost beautiful? Cause I think you just found what you're looking for." Tig smiled.
Kat raised an eyebrow and laughed. "Actually I'm looking for Clay, and I think I've found him." She pointed as Clay walked out of the chapel and Tig walked back over to the guys in shame as they all snickered and laughed. Clay looked up and saw Kat and a smile immediately appeared on his face.
"Kat!" He said as he opened his arms wide, preparing for a hug.
"Uncle Clay!" She replied as she went over to hug him.
"Uncle?" Bobby whispered to the guys.
"Nah. No. There's no way. She's Hispanic with curly hair. She's like Juice, but prettier." Tig said.
"Gee, thanks asshole." Juice retorted.

"Do you have your cut?" Clay whispered to Kat.
"Yeah, it's under my jacket, but are you sure the guys will be okay with this?"
"Look kid, I already got Opie, Chibs, and Piney on board. With the way that Juice and Tig are starting at you right about now, they should be fine too and the others shouldn't have any type of objection. Just wait out here for a little bit."
"Alright." Kat sighed.
"I missed you Kat. I really did." Clay smiled. "Alright boys lets get this started. A series of "yeahs" and barking roared into the chapel and Kat watched the doors close, but not before Juice slipped her a side smile.
"Alright, alright. Quiet down. First and foremost, it's good to be back!" Clay said as the boys all cheered. "Now, I know we've got a lot to go over, but I have a proposal. Chibs, Opie and Piney already have an idea of what I'm about to announce, but now it's time to let the rest of the club know, especially my V.P.. All of you have already met her. Kat, my "niece". Clearly not by blood, but I've watched over this girl since she was about 14. Jax you may or may not remember her. She's actually been up close with MC business for a long time now. She's strong, confident and fearless."
"Where you going with this pres?" Asked Bobby.
"I wanna patch her in."
The crew starred blankly at Clay and then at each other. "Now I know what you're thinking, she hasn't been a prospect."
"I'm thinking about a lot more than just that." Tig added.
"Listen. Her being a prospect was my call. She went to SAMDINO with Les, who by the way, was perfectly fine with it. She's got experience boys and I didn't wanna patch her in without taking it to the table. I had already made the decision for her to be a prospect without any of your guy's knowledge and I wasn't about to make an even bigger decision without your thoughts first." Clay continued.
"Well, does she come with any baggage?" Happy asked.
"ALMOST everything in her past has stayed there. She did have affiliations with the Mayans and the Grimm Bastards, both as of now are allies. She did serve time in jail so it's not like she was perfect. The main reason why I want her in is that I've seen her do things most men couldn't pull off. I believe she'd be a good fit."
"Why couldn't she be an 'Old Lady'?" Tig asked
"Cause trust me when I say she ain't nowhere near 'Old Lady' material."
"And what if she decides to try and get at one of us? She is a woman Ya know and we're all pretty fine looking men." Bobby said causing a small laughter to echo in the room.
"As far as I know, she ain't even interested in any type of relationship at the moment, but to me, it's whatever, as long as it doesn't effect what happens in the club." Clay replied.
Silence fell over the room for a quick minute as everyone exchanged looks.
"Let's vote on it." Jax said.
"Alright. Patching in Katalina 'Kat' Cruz. Yay." Clay began.
"Yay." -Tig.
"Heck yeah."-Jax.
Clay grinned. "Alright, bring her in."
"I can't believe we're letting someone that bangable into the MC." Tig said
The guys started cheering and banging on the table as Juice opened the door. Kat cautiously walked in as the guys quieted down.
"Unzip the jacket and place the cut on the table." Clay told her. Kat slowly unzipped her jacket, took off her cut and placed it on the table.
"You got a knife?" Jax asked her.
"Uh, yeah." Kat replied as she pulled one out.
"Cut it off." Clay pointed to the prospect patch. Kat began breaking the seams on the patch when Clay got up and slid the SAMCRO patches on the table. Everyone began cheering once again as a big smile began to appear on Kat's face. All the guys got up to hug her and pat her on the back.
"Can't wait to see what you can do." Jax smiled.
"Oh my gosh you look so different without your hair! I can barely recognize you." Kat replied and her and Jax shared an intimate hug.
"I didn't forget you Kat." Jax said as he smiled and walked out. Then Clay came over to hug Kat.
"I told you not to worry about it." Clay joked. "Now, let's get down to business."

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