Chapter 6

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"Yay or nay. Getting in business with the Galindo cartel."
A big day was ahead of the sons this morning. Clay was at Jax's house grabbing breakfast while Jax fed the boys.
"Alright. We got Bobby, Piney, and Juice opposed. Where we at with the rest?" Clay asked Jax as he poured himself a cup of coffee.
Jax shifted Thomas on his lap, "Chibs knows we need this to fill our Irish commitment. He'll go our way along with Tig and Happy." Jax replied.
"Still need one more. Kozik?"
Jax shook his head, "Ex-junkie. Thinking he's a no."
"We any closer with Ope?"
"A little. He saw the benefit of having the cartel on speed dial, but he's not thre yet."
Clay sat down at the table, "Well you need to get him there man because if he gives a smile, then that gives us the majority."
"Well you need to work on Bobby. What about Kat?" Jax asked.
"She's sketchy. I'm not quite sure how she'll side with it. Can't forget that's why she was locked up." Clay told Jax.
"Well we'll just have to wait and see."

Happy, Kozik and Miles were packing up the guns in the truck At Happy's mom and aunt's house. Happy came storming out the back door, "Hey dickhead, you the one made pancakes?" He asked Miles.
"Yeup." Miles struggled to get out as he lifted the crate into the truck.
"You gonna clean your shit up?"
"Yes now. Who the hell you'd think was gonna do it?"
"You're mom and aunt." Kozik answered.
"They're not your maids!"
"Just thought we should load these first." Miles said to Happy.
"Go clean it up. He hates messes." Kozik told Miles.
So Miles headed into the house and Kozik finished packing the guns into the truck. Then he had seen a basketball come bouncing over the fence. Two black teenage boys hopped up on the fence, one dark skinned and the other light.
"Aye! You wanna toss me the rock?" The darker one asked.
"Yo buckwheat, wanna keep your shirt on?" Kozik replied as he tossed the ball back. As the lighter boy caught it, he and his partner looked at each other schemingly while Kozik began walking back in the house.
"Aye you ball?" He asked Kozik.
"Not today man." Kozik replied as he continued walking into the house.
"What's the matter surfer dude? Scared of a little hood ball?" they both laughed and Kozik turned around. C'mon. Ten bucks a point."
"Shut up bitch. You ain't got no money." the light skinned boy told his friend.
"Bullshit." He retorted as he pulled out a wad of cash.
"How much you got?" Kozik asked.
"Like, three hundred and something." He replied as he counted his money.
Kozik looked around the yard, "Alright. Me and you LeBrown, one on one. Winner takes all."
"Shit yeah my lemon-headed sucker."
The boys hopped down from the fence and Kozik hopped over to follow them.
Jax and Clay arrived at the gun storage. They walked in and were welcomed by the sound of buzzing saws and the smell of wood as the crew was putting crates together for the guns.
"Look at my happy little elves." Clay smiled.
"These look great. How many they hold?" Jax asked Opie.
"Between ten and sixteen depending on the gun." Ope replied as he stuck an AK in the bottom of the crate.
"Yeah. Chibs got the specs from the Irish." Bobby told Jax.
"Where is Chibs?" Jax asked.
"Don't ask." Phil said as he passed behind Jax.
"Bathroom. Fucking shit up." Tig answered.
"Literally. All that processed food." Juice added.
Chibs stepped out of the bathroom groaning and dripping in sweat.
"Shit. You alright man?" Jax asked him.
Chibs shook his head no while breathing heavily, "Something in the celery. Cheap Mexican food. Juicy you gonna hook me up right?"
"Green tea and a mint colonic with a little herbal fusion-"
"Stop. Stop. STOP." Tig interrupted Juice.
"You're so fucking weird." Kat laughed as she continued taking measurements.
"Before we clear anyone's passage, let's just get these crates built. Bobby you're with me. Wahewa." Clay said.
"Why you need me?" Bobby asked looking confused.
"Cause I miss you man." Clay responded.
"You want me with?" Tig asked Clay.
"Nah, nah. We're good. Stay available. Might need someone to haul some ammo."
Tig looked on frustrated, but agreed.

Kozik was still playing ball with the boys. He crossed the boy over and went in for a lay-up. More boys joined the light skinned teen and observed the game while sitting on a brick wall, groaning every time Kozik scored.
"18-12." Kozik said while tossing the ball back to his opponent.
"Damn bro. This beach white nigga got you lookin' like Cleveland." The light skinned boy said.
The darker boy got angry and threw the ball on the floor and kicked it toward his friends on the wall.
"That's bullshit man." Kozik said as he walked over to get the ball. As soon as he bent over, on of the guys hit him in the back with and iron rod. One by one they hopped of the wall and bean running.
"Get the keys!" they yelled. Each of them took off in different directions. A couple hopped in a car and sped off. The others jumped the fence and high jacked the truck. Kozik got up and ran to the wall. As soon as he hopped up, he watched them drive off in the truck.
"You gotta be shittin' me!"
"Alright I'm coming." Jax said as he slammed his phone shut. He shook his head in frustration as he grabbed his cut off of one of the shells in the storage warehouse.
"What's up?" Opie asked him.
"That was Miles. Some kind of hiccup with the guns." He replied.
Tig walked up behind the two of them, "Should I call Clay?"
"Nah. Him and Bobby need some quality time. Stay here, get the other prospects to help finish these crates up." Then he turned and looked over at a sickly Chibs groaning and laying on the table, "Take care of him." He told Juice. "Phil you're with us, you too Kat."
"Oh thank you. I probably would've died with her and Juicy here." Chibs groaned as Kat shot him a look.
"Let's go." Jax said as they began walking out.
"I'm going with." Tig followed behind them as he threw his cut on his back.
"Clay wanted you to stay her-"
"Nah. I'm not gonna be his little ammo bitch bro. I'm not gonna do it. If there's a problem with those guns, I should be there." Tig insisted, then he walked out the door.
"Alright Tiggy."

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