Chapter 7

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Jax is journaling with Tara, Gemma's out gardening with Clay, Tig and the guys are packing up the guns and taking them to storage and Kat woke up to an empty, but clean bedside.

The crew rode out to go meet up with the Arizona. Armando, Huff and the rest of SAMTAZ met with SAMCRO at a truck stop. Each member greeted each other with firm handshakes and bro hugs.
"Pres." Clay began as he hugged Mando.
"Clay. Welcome to the border." Mando replied.
After the hellos, members gathered around Clay and Mando.
"So we're meeting Romeo at the Expo tomorrow. 10am." Clay began.
"We're here to protect and serve." Mando said
"So the trucks will be here tonight?" Jax asked.
"Absolutely. No cops, no scumbags-" Huff began before he was interrupted by two members of SAMTAZ pummeling a guy while his girlfriend was frantically yelling trying to stop them. One member held him as the other repeatedly punched him in the face. With every punch, the stranger let out a louder groan.
"C'mon! He had a week!" The girl yelled.
"That was a week ago." one of the members replied.
The guy broke away and Tig chased after him, tackling him to the floor. Then his girlfriend ran over and started hitting Tig.
"Get off of him!" She yelled.
"Ugh, Kat?"
"Already on it Unc." Kat said as she strutted over to the tussle on the ground. She turned the girl around by grabbing her shoulder and punched her in the jaw, causing her to roll off of Tig's back. Some of the other club members came over before the situation got any worse.
"BASTARDS!" The girl yelled back as she picked her boyfriend up off the ground and walked off.
Bobby walked back sniffing his fingers.
"What is it?" Jax asked.
"Crank. Is this what he's behind on?" Bobby asked as he held up the small bag of white powder. Mando looked on in silence.
"You dealin' here?" Clay asked.
"Ain't a risk." Huff explained.
"Ain't a risk?!" Jax stepped forward, "That's a truck full of automatic weapons douchebag. A life sentence for everyone involved and you want us rolled up in your God damn crank?!"
"Aye, aye, aye!" Mando began.
"Easy. You mule. We sell. Same shit."
Clay stood between Mando and Jax, "Shut it down."
"Sorry ése. Not your club, not your call." Mando told Clay. "Let's go!"

Both charters met again at SAMTAZ's clubhouse. They all gathered around the table to discuss the issues abroad.
"Now I ain't tellin you how to run your club," Clay began, "but the club has precedents."
"But SAMCRO went all in with the cartel. That sends a message to the charter." Huff responded.
"We don't deal! That's always been the message!" Clay shot back.
"C'mon Clay. That's bull shit man. You can't draw that line." Mando added, "We voted that shit in. Plus you brought a woman into the Sons without other charters knowing!"
Kat raised an eyebrow, "Actually I was with SAMDINO first and then they voted me in. Plus I'm not dealin coke so I'm pretty sure I'm not the topic up for serious discussion."
Jax smirked, "How long you been dealin?"
There was a momentary silence before Mando answered, "Voted it in four months ago. Been up and running about three. This town is drying up day by day. I'm just trying to keep the Charter alive man."
"We would've never brought you into this if we knew you were cookin."
"You don't wanna use us? Fine. But we're the closest charter to the border. Anybody else is a two day ride." Huff said. "SAMCRO is the only charter getting richer off the cartel!"
"Guys Romeo is waiting. We gotta go." Tig said as he stood up.
"Yeah, let's handle this shit lata boys." Chibs added.

The 11th annual Tuscon Bike and Auto Expo, where every guy brought their best ride their hottest girl. The Sons had just walked onto the scene and tensions were still high between the two charters.
Clay turned to Juice, "Go check us in, make it official."
Juice nodded and went off.
Bobby check his pocket watch, "Romeo doesn't seem like the type of guy to be late."
"Relax, he'll be here." Jax assured.
"What's up man?" Clay asked Jax.
"Worried about this crank. They voted it in four months ago. That's right after Paul was killed and Reggie quit."
"Think that had something to do with this drug move?"
"Paul woulda never signed off on crank."
"Aye. And Reggie was a lifer. Him walkin away makes no sense." Chibs added.
"What you thinkin?" Clay asked Jax.
"Close vote. Two knows it'll sway the other way."
"Let's go find Reggie. We gotta shut this crank thing down. Send a message to the other charters that we don't deal."
"Cartel's here." Tig informed.
"Every business needs shipping and selling. You can't separate it" Bobby scolded Clay.
"I gotta wife that says shit without saying shit. Throw a sack Elvis." Clay said.
"Armando's right. Muling and dealing are the same thing. Same thing!" Bobby continued as Tig pulled him away from Clay.
"Everything cool?" Mando asked, but Clay completely ignored him and walked over to the passenger side of a grey hummer where Luis waited.
"Where's Romeo?" Clay asked.
"He doesn't like being watched. You got a tail. Three o'clock. Auto detailing van." Luis replied.
Clay turned and spotted a burgundy van across the way. "We'll handle it."
"You better. Let us know when it's clear." Luis said, then he rolled up the window and pulled off.
"Your damn crank. Probably local law." Clay told Mando.
"Aye you're the crew on federal release. Probably ATF with their noses still up your asses." smarted Huff.
Jax walked over to Tig, Juice, Bobby and Kat, "We got a tail. Sooner we lose em' sooner the Mexicans feel safe."
"You guys, follow us." Mando said as he led the groups to their bikes.
Tig turned to Clay, "You sure your grip can handle the ride?"
"Get on your bike!" Clay snapped.
Everyone geared up their engines and began riding out of the expo with the van following close behind them.

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