Chapter 9

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"Your dick almost got people killed."


Kat came rushing into the gun warehouse to find members of SAMCRO and the Mayans around the wooden counter with the bricks of cocaine stacked in rows of five. The air was thick and full of tension as they all stared at the row that was one brick short.

"Nice of you to join us." Jax said.

"I'm not around for a few hours and there's already a major problem." Kat said as she threw on her cut.

"Damn right there's a problem." Alvarez began. "Can someone tell me why I'm looking at only 29 bricks?"

"Why don't you ask your boy here?" Jax gritted his teeth as he looked to Rafi, a Mayan.

"Ask yours asshole." He shot back.

"Woah, we didn't take any blow." Miles added.

Alvarez turned to Miles, "Yeah? Well somebody did."

"Well it was all here before ten." Juice began as he stepped forward. "I came by after I hit the weed shop and did a walk through. Ask him." He said as he turned to Rafi for reassurance.

"Yeah. He was here at nine thirty."

Alvarez was suspicious, "So you were the last one here?"

Juice scoffed, "Yeah, I stuck a ki of blow down my pants and walked out. Douchebag."

Alvarez stepped towards Juice, but Chibs placed himself between them. Rafi had went for Jax, but he fell to the floor when Jax's fist met his chin. A small frenzy had broken out between the men. Miles pulled his gun and Kat stood by and brought her hand to her face, shaking her head.Then Clay held his gun towards the ceiling and nonchalantly fired a shot into the air, halting the madness.

"Killing each other ain't gonna solve anything." He said as Jax stood body to body with Rafi.

Clay shot Tig a look, who immediately knew what to do. "C'mon let's go." Tig said as he led everyone but Jax, Clay and Alvarez out of the room.

As Marcus, Clay and Jax tried to figure out who would have taken the kilo, Kat sat outside in the warehouse garage with the other men.

"So a brick of cocaine just disappears into thin air? Cause that's what this whole situation is sounding like." Kat said.

"Well maybe if you were here you'd know what happened chica." Rafi argued, as he was still irritated form his flurry with Jax.

"I wouldn't have to be here if you did your job cabrón."

"Pinche pendeja. Chupar una polla."

"Tú primero puto."

Juice, Tig and the prospects stood by in confusion, but were clearly entertained by the foreign argument.

"Stupid bitch. You're probably passed around more than a bottle." Rafi said.

Tig's eyes widened, "Woah, woah man."

Juice got up to say something, but Kat beat him to it.

"That's it!" she was infuriated. She picked up a crowbar off the ground just as Alvarez had exit the room. When he saw what was going on, he caught KAt as soon as she lunged for Rafi.

"Cálmese mija." He told her as she tried to get out of his arms and to Rafi. When she finally stopped, Alvarez let go and turned to Rafi, "Let's go."

Rafi glared at Kat before getting the back of his head slapped by Alvarez. Shortly after the Mayans had left, Clay and Jax had exit the room.

"Gather the prospects," Jax ordered, "we're going to get Bobby." and he and Clay left momentarily.

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