Chapter 2

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Kat had wrote to Clay just a while after she arrived she had arrived:

"Dear Uncle Clay,
I've arrived in Charming and trouble has already began. It seems as though my past is catching up to me quicker than I would've expected. Literally only hours after I had arrived, my Mayan monster showed up at Teller-Morrow and even got into it with Ope. I have no idea how to even keep him off my back.
I'm afraid I'm not ready to take on this whole SAMCRO thing, it seems as though I'm only bringing more problems to the club. Now I'm not saying that I'm backing out, I just really wish you would've wrote me when you weren't in prison; however, Opie, Chibs and even the prospects seem to have welcomed me in without a problem and I was so grateful to see Gemma again. Although, I believe the only obstacle I'll have is Ms. Tara. She seems to be skeptical of me and see me as a threat. Now I have no problem with her, but know I also don't have a problem putting her in her place.
I should do fine here. I'm just in need of a little guidance. Can't wait for all of you guys to get home.

Clay closed the letter and placed it in his orange shirt as he sat in his cell.
"Who's been writing to you brother?" asked his cell mate.
"A long lost family member." He replied as he laid down on his bunk and starred blankly at the cell ceiling.

~4 weeks before release~
*Knock, Knock, Knock*
Kat rolled over out of her bed responding to whoever was at her door. She dragged herself to her front door to be greeted by law enforcement.
"Look man, I just got here yesterday and I've been off probation for a while. All my tags are up to date, so what's your reason for coming here?"
The officers just laughed as Kat looked on confused.
"You're not in any type of trouble sweetheart, we've just come to understand that you're affiliated with the Sons." the officer said.
"Why would that matter anyway?"
"We're just, getting to know our townsfolk."
"Well I'm Katalina Cruz, I just moved here, I'm in my 20's, OH, and I'm single; however, that wouldn't matter to you." Kat smirked.
"We'll just be on our way then Miss Cruz. OH, and I'm Lieutenant Roosevelt. Nice to meet you, Kat." Officer Roosevelt and his goons walked off to their squad cars as Kat shut the door.

Moments later Kat rode over to Teller-Morrow and met up with some of the crew. She parked her bike by the rest. Gemma was sitting in the office on the phone and Chuckie had just rode in on his moped. Kat walked into the office with Gem.
"So what're the plans for today?" asked Gemma.
"Nothing much, maybe work on some bikes here at the shop. Prove I'm more than just a pretty face." Kat laughed.
"Funny. I can't wait to see how the rest of the guys will react when they get back. Especially Tig or Juice."
"And why is that?"
"Because Tig gets hot over any pretty face and Juice will be happy to see another Hispanic in the group." They both laughed and Kat walked into the garage. She watched the guys work on some bikes and cars.
"You guys need anything?" She asked. They all looked around with little smiles on their face.
"Uh, yeah. You can go separate the nuts from the bolts in the box over there."
Kat rolled her eyes and slid next to one of the guys who was working on a bike. She examined the bike closely, then she stepped in:
"It's a simple air leak in the system. Pump up the system to high pressure and just grab a bottle of soap and water. Start spraying at the compressor right where the air line goes in the solenoid and work your way up the line, but pay attention to the fittings. If you find a leak at the fitting release, pull the air line out and cut about one-fourth an inch off the line, making sure the line is cut straight, then reinsert the line and recheck it. Also if you need to, check the shocks by putting them in water and see if there's a leak." She smiled as she tossed a bottle filled with soap and water to him. "That is all." She said as she strutted back into the office, leaving all the guys dumbfounded.
"Yup. You're way more than a pretty face." Gemma laughed.
"What can I say? I'm the total package!" They both laughed.
"So Kat, maybe when the boys get back we'll have a double welcome back party. It'll be good for everyone."
"Sounds good to me, but I also wanted to have a dinner with you and Clay, maybe Jax too, but that means Tara will most likely want to join since it's at MY house and I'm a "threat" to her apparently."
"Relax. It should actually be fun."
"Yeah, so instead of 'Welcome to Charming' it's 'Welcome Back to Charming'." Kat replied.
"I'm telling you, all will go great." Gemma assured.
"I'm not so sure about that one." Katalina reassured.
"Shut up and enjoy it while it lasts." Gemma laughed.

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