Chapter 13

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Clay takes stacks of cash out of his safe. Gemma sees him leave with a bag as he says he's off to deal with the Mexicans. She checks the safe and finds it almost empty except for a small packet of bills. At home, Jax straps a pistol on his ankle and prepares to head out with Tara. Gemma joins them ostensibly to say good-bye. She asks if Clay knows their plans. Jax says there's nothing left to do with the Mexicans, it's an internal beef.

Juice sits in jail where the ATF have planted him. Up at Piney's cabin Unser wears gloves, a surgical mask and even paper , an entire Crime Scene Investigators-type outfit, as he fires guns to set up the shooting scene. Gemma calls, saying something is wrong. She tells him about Clay taking the money and lying about cartel business. She asks him to get back quickly.

Clay rides off the beaten path where he meets Romeo's contract assassin and gives him the bag of cash and location info, up the I-99 highway. He wants it quick and painless and tells him not to mess up her face. Jax and Tara are driving along the highway singing children's songs with their two sons in the back seat. Gemma finds Clay outside the club. She tells him Jax is with Tara. This is very bad news to Clay.

Clay calls Romeo asking him to stop the hit. Romeo says there's no way to reach the hitter. After Romeo gets off , he tells Luis to call the hitter and warn him to be careful, because Jax is probably armed. But he doesn't say to stop it. Clay sends Tig on the road after Jax to bring him back. Chibs  that no one has been able to reach Juice for two days. Opie, who still has no inkling that Piney has been murdered, wants to go check on his dad at the cabin, but Clay asks him to stick around.

Jax stops for gas with Tara and the kids. He's wary as a California highway patrol motorcycle unit pulls up. Instead, the guy comes over and starts talking cars and bikes with Jax. Roosevelt visits Lincoln, who tells him Juice is in ATF holding. Roosevelt says the Sons were just downstairs looking for him. Roosevelt accuses  playing him worse than the club, using him as a local scapegoat. He tells him he's done working for him. Lincoln reminds him he signed an agreement of participation and the implications of that agreement.

Jax and Tara hang out in the park with their boys. She wants to take the Portland job if it's offered. He says she should. He says he has one more deal to lock down and he'll be ready to go. They bask in their happiness and impending freedom, while Romeo's hitter watches him from a nearby . Back at the club, Tig reports he can't reach Jax. Chibs says Juice was picked up yesterday, but hasn't been seen since he was released.

At the hospital, Micah sits in a chair next to a sleeping Kat. When she finally wakes up, she's confused as to where she is and what happened. When she tries to sit up, she winces in pain and Micah makes her lay back against the bed. She asks him what happened, and he explains the events of the garage. The blow back from the explosion clouded her memory. Katalina asks of the whereabouts of Clay and Micah assures he's taking care of business. Micah leaves Kat and tells her he'll be back soon and that Alvarez has requested him to ride with them to a meet up with the Niners.

Gemma sees Clay worrying. She asks him why he took the money out of the safe. She won't accept the "club money" answer. He talks down and reminds her like she's "not a member of the club, just an old lady" and tells her not to forget it. She says OK and leaves. Tara straps her son in the back seat at the park while Jax walks to the trash bin. All of a sudden a van pulls up and two men in hooded masks grab Tara and start to drive off with her. Jax sees it happen and races across the park. He checks quickly on his boys in the car then chases off after the van on foot. He fires after it and hits it, causing it to swerve. Tara fights with her abductor like a woman possessed inside the back of the van and gets her right hand slammed in the sliding door trying to escape. The van slows to a temporary stall and Jax catches up. Tara jumps out and Jax punches the masked shooter to break her free. A shooter with a submachine gun takes aim at her, but he steps in front of her and the shooter lowers the gun and the van drives off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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