Chapter 1

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~2 months before release~
Dawn had just broke and Tara took an early jump on the day. Grabbing Abel and Thomas out of bed, she put them down to eat in the kitchen. As she grabbed Thomas' bottle, someone knocked. Timidly, she walked over to the door and opened it up to a Hispanic girl with curly hair on the patio wearing a black jacket, shorts and sunglasses.

"Um, hi. Can I help you?" Tara asked.

"Sorry, I was given two addresses and I went to the first one but no one was there, so I just came to this one." the girl replied.

Tara stood in silence as she looked the girl up and down.

"You know what, Clay must've mixed up the numbers. I'll just go." she said as she began to walk off, but Tara stopped her.

"Wait, Clay?" Tara looked over the girl's shoulders to see a Harley parked out front. "Oh, you must be Katalina." She realized.

"Yeah, sorry. I never mentioned my name." Kat replied as she shook Tara's hand, "Well I know you're not Gemma, so you must be Tara."

"Um, yeah. Well come in I guess." Tara gestured toward the door. Both walked into the kitchen where Abel and Thomas were still eating.

"These must be your boys. They're adorable. They look just like-"

"Jax? Yeah, I'm his Old Lady." Tara interrupted while giving Kat a crooked smile. Katalina crouched next to the boys speechless.

"I'm guessing you went to Gem's house first. She probably had just left to Teller-Morrow." Tara said as she walked over to pick up Thomas.

"Alrighty then, I'll just head over." Kat replied awkwardly as she walked toward the door.

"Oh, do you need help getting there?"

"Nope. I still know my ways around here a bit. It was...nice to meet you Tara." Kat said as she shut the door and walked down the driveway and Tara peaked out the window with suspicion as she started her bike and rode off.


Gemma was in the office at the garage when Chuckie came through the door a little nervous.
"Hey, um Gem? There's a girl outside and not like one of the girls Lila hangs with or a whore, but like, she was on a bike, it was actually a really nice bike, but anyways, she-"

"I got it Chuckie. Thank you" Gemma interrupted. Chuckie shook his head and walked out of the office and Gemma followed behind him. She walked out to notice Kat sitting on her bike being greeted by Piney, Ope and Chibs, but she stood up as soon as she saw Gemma walking toward her.

"How you doing sweetheart? It's been a while." Gemma asked while giving Kat a hug.

"I know. I missed this place. San Bernardino isn't as fun as it is here in Charming."

"Well now that you're here, let's go talk and catch up considering you've been away for years."
The two of them walked back to the office and shut the door.

"So how's life been to you?"

"Fine actually; however, I did receive a "warm" welcome from Tara. Jax's Old Lady."

"Ah. First day in and she's already threatened you hasn't she?"

Katalina chuckled, "Funny Gemma, but I actually believe she was a little intimidated by me considering how fast she told me she was with Jax."

"That's just how she is with any pretty girl that knows Jax. But it's not like you wouldn't get your way with Jax if you wanted to." Gemma winked.

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