Chapter 11

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Juice jumps from the upper tree limb with the chain around his neck. He twitches for a little while. Then the limb breaks and he falls the rest of the way to the ground. He's alive. He hears bikes approaching and scrambles to hide the suicide scene, then greets Chibs and Tig. They see the marks on his neck and he claims he ran into a security chain. Tara answers a knock at her door and sends the prospect guarding her into a back room. It's Sheriff Roosevelt, who got a call from Margaret and says he has the death threat. Tara says she didn't take it seriously. He's posting a unit outside her house and says he'll coordinate with hospital security.

Piney arrives for the change of leadership vote. Opie wonders to Jax if Bobby might be a better long-term choice. Jax says the drug money makes them less desperate. Clay arrives, angry, ready to vote.

"Nay" Clay began.
"Nay ." Tig voted.
Chibs considered his vote, but before he could get his word out, a flurry of bullets flew through the clubhouse, shattering every window.

A red pick up crash through the front gates. To Sonora members in the tailgate continued to rain bullets through the clubhouse. Then, as the truck flipped a U-turn, the two Sonora members threw a black duffel bag out and onto the floor. Phil was able to shoot one of the members off the truck and onto the concrete but the others made a hasty getaway.

Tig and Happy went over and held down the fallen member.

"Check his ink!" Jax ordered

Tig yanked down his collar revealing gang affiliated tattoos "Lobo Sonora" he informed

"SHIT!" Clay yelled.

"This woke up the whole hood man." Jax told Clay.

"Get this asshole to the Reservation. Call the gun warehouse, get them on alert."

Chuckie went over to the duffle bag. As he unzipped it,his eyes widened, "Oh, man. Clay! This is bad! Like bad bad."

Kat and the guys walked over two Chuckie.

"What is that?" Jax asked.

Chuck opened the bag to reveal 3 severed heads, one being Armando's, the Tucson pres.

"Shit." Clay sighed.

Chibs and Happy threw the Lobos member in the back of the van and slam the doors.

"You find out what he knows." Clay ordered.

"Bueno!" Happy complied.

Chibs noticed Juice spacing out, "Hey!" he hit him in the chest. "C'mon you and me."

"Uh yeah." Juice followed.

Clay watched Juice closely as he got in the van. As they drove away, he began walking back to the clubhouse.


Jax rushed out of the clubhouse to report to Clay with Tig and Bobby behind him, "The warehouse is safe, but the Mayan tortilla truck got jacked. Full load of coke on the way to dealers. Three of Alvarez's guys MIA."

"These guys are military sharp" Tig added.

Clay sighed and lowered his head, "How'd Tuscon take the news?"

"They assumed the worse." Bobby replied.

The sounds of sirens in the distance began to close in on the garage.

"Oh great. Chocolate rain." Clay said as he and Jax took off their cuts and handed them to Bobby. A few feet away, Piney started to ride off on his bike before being stopped by his son.

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