Chapter 5

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"It's a Mexican guy and a Mexican guy."
Morning had just risen over Charming. Sun Rays had slowly peaked through Kat's window, waking her up. She slowly peeled herself out of Juice's arms, being careful not to wake him. She threw on his oversized shirt and made her way to her kitchen to put on a pot of coffee. As she poured herself a cup, Juice came up behind her and grabbed her by the waist. "Morning." he said closely to her ear.
"Good morning." she smiled as she handed him a mug.
"Nice shirt."
"I know huh." Kat laughed, but then her expression immediately went south as she went to look out her kitchen window. She sighed and brushed her curls back with her fingers and leaned against the window frame. Juice looked on confused.
"Something's bothering you." he said as he walked behind her.
"Nothing's bothering me."
Juice raised an eyebrow.
"What? Don't think you can read me after like four days."
Juice maintained the same face.
"Alright, alright. I'm still worried about, well-"
"Micah." Juice interrupted. "Why? He's not a problem anymore. You're here in Charming surrounded by all of us."
"That didn't stop him from coming to the garage and receiving a black eye and busted lip from Opie."
"You act like Clay is gonna let that happen again. Half of us weren't even here when that happened."
"Whatever you say." Kat said as she sipped her coffee. Then Juice wrapped his arms around Kat's shoulders. "Stop freaking out over your Mayan monster when you have a Puerto Rican prince right here."
"Oh shut-up." Kat laughed as Juice turned her around and kissed her.
"Everything is going to be fine." he assured.
"Good Morning baby." Gemma said as Clay walked in the kitchen and sat down.
"It's so good to be home." He told her.
"Yeah I know." Gem replied as she kissed his cheek. Then she pulled out the note from Belfast that Abel colored on, "Baby look." she said handing the note to Clay. "It fell out of one of Abel's coloring books. He must've found it somewhere in Jax's house."
"Maureen Ashby. Trying to turn my son against me. Bitch must've stuffed them in his bag when we left Belfast."
"And you Big Jackson read them?"
"Had to be Jax or Tara who found em"
"Ah it's just JT love pussy. Probably just love poems and shit."
"Or a stack of hate. Sharing his every woah and suspicion. That Irish gash is reaching across the Atlantic."
"She can't hurt us, John can't hurt us." Clay reassured.
"John trusted her, had a damn family with her. There's no telling what he confided in."
"If this was real, it would've blown up by now, so don't get setting fires when there ain't nothing to burn."
"I don't do that." Gemma paused. "Well not all the time. I gotta go. Love you." Gemma said as she rushed out.
"Love you too."
Body bags were being collected and rolled away on stretchers on the construction site of Charming Heights. Eli had just arrived on the scene. Ducking under the caution tape, he started his path over to Mr. Lincoln Potter.
"I'm guessing there are another three or four dead Russians somewhere in Charming this morning." Lincoln began.
"Not all Russian. Sorry about Zwersky." Eli said.
"Yeah I know. He was a good agent." Lincoln responded as he watched the body bags being put in the back of vans. "Wow. I did not see this coming. It is through being wounded, power grows and can, in the end, become tremendous." He grinned.
Eli looked on confused, "Am I missing the upswing to this."
"Bold. They're getting bold. Why? How? Sons are a mid-sized club, barely in the top ten. What empowers them to go head to head with the R.O.C.?"
"Revenge." Eli answered.
Lincoln shook his head. "They wouldn't have lasted this long if they were that stupid." Then they both looked over to see Mayor Hale answering his phone. "Ah, does it bother anyone that their mayor is also their biggest developer? No one smells that stench?" Lincoln asked.
"Oh yeah, this shit is gonna make his head explode." Eli chuckled.
"Nothing like a pile of dead bodies to bring down property values."
"No kidding. He loses his investors, the vote goes back to city council. They can revert back all the land."
"There goes the neighborhood." Lincoln responded.
Hale began walking over to Eli and Lincoln, "Good morning."
"Not if you're Russian." Lincoln retorted as he walked off.
Hale turned over to Eli, "I hope you have no doubt as to who's responsible for this."
"I'm on it." Eli replied.
Hale began to raise his voice, "Clay and his guys did this wishing the first 24 hours."
"We don't know if it was the Sons. The Russians run with very dangerous crowds."
"Jesus Christ. Are you gonna tell me that dumping these bodies here wasn't a calculated move by Clay Morrow?"
"Could be sending a message."
"Yeah. Could be. You run hard at these white trash barbarians, understand me? This shit cannot happen again!"
"Is that an order from the mayor or the real estate developer?" Eli slickly asked.
"It's the plea of a citizen. Do what the tax payers hired you to do." Hale ordered as Eli glared at him, then walked away.
Jax drove the tow truck into Aalden Bros. Auto Wrecking. they drove around to the back where Alvarez and one of his guys waited on their bikes. Alvarez got up to greet them as they stepped out of the truck.
"Marcus." Clay smiled.
"Clay. Good to see you man." Alvarez said as he shook Clays hand. Then they turned around to see a couple other Latinos step out of a car and make their way towards them.
"Clay, Jax, Romero Parada." Alvarez introduced them.
"Friends call me Romeo." Romeo said as he shook Clay and Jax's hands. Then he turned and pointed to the two guys behind him. "My guys Santos and Luis. I heard Putlova never made it home from SAMCRO's wedding."
"Yeah, uh we had to put him down." Clay replied.
"Must've been a wild party." Romeo laughed.
"We'd like to avoid that with us." Jax said.
"The word has been put out. No one is to interfere with our new friendship. Now let's see the wares."
"Over here." Jax said as he walked to the trunk of the semi-smashed car attached to the tow truck. He popped it open as Clay took off the cover concealing the guns.
"Got AR-15's, Sig-551's, AK's, KG-9's, Glocks, and FM-57's. Got two dozen of these local except the 57's. Only got 15." Jax said.
"Just like we discussed. 20% off the street tag." Clay said.
Santos and Luis came up and grabbed two of the guns. They loaded them up and began testing them out on stacks of old car parts and garbage. As they finished up, santos walked up to Jax, "What about ammo?"
"The Wahewa press everything we need." He replied.
"These are excellent." Luis said handing the gun back to Jax.
"Will take all you have in stock." Romeo said.
"Set up a shipment for every two weeks, two dozen of everything except the Glocks." Luis said.
"We can make that work." Clay grinned.
"There's more. I need bigger." Romeo said.
"How much bigger?" Clay asked.
"RPG's, 50 caliber machine guns, and long range sniper rifles."
"I'll have to make a call." Clay replied.
"Good. Now let me see if my math is correct. That's 700 in change for you're current stock, give me 100K mixed ammo," Romeo ordered as Santos handed Jax and Clay blocks of cash. "500K should cover half, plus your transport payment."
"Well I gotta run schedule for this weekend bro. You guys are welcome to keep the samples." Clay offered.
"I'll be in town a couple days. Call me when you hear from the Irish." Romeo told Clay.
After they all packed their guns and money and were on their way.

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