Festival's aren't fun

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A/N: You all scare me but here take this you hungry beasts! Also angst pog.
And I'm writing a fic with more recent events when it's ready I'll tell you people.

This was the day of the festival. After days of preparation it was finally here. After revealing to the Badlands (Y/N) was a hybrid she had talked to them about how they are treated here.

You see not everyone likes hybrids. But from what she has been told all hybrids are expected here. I mean look at Ranboo he's a Enderman hybrid and they treat him just like everyone else.

So she decided today she would reveal her hybrid side. (Y/N) picked out a dress Techno had got her for her birthday before he left.

It was black,purple, and red. It fit her perfectly and showed off her wings beautifully. Her shoulders always covered because of the scale like skin on her arms. The dress looked perfect. She didn't put on any potions to cover her differences.

Her fang like teeth showing. Her leathery wings uncurl. Her arms which have scale like skin glimmer in the light coming through the window.

She puts the final touches of makeup on and is about to leave when she remembers something she has with her.

(Y/N) sat on the steps of the porch watching Tommy and Techno practice.
Techno always beat Tommy. But that was ok it wasn't like they would ever have to actually use this practice.

She hears someone walking towards her. (Y/N) turns her head to see Wilbur. He has his guitar over his shoulder and is holding a box.

He sits down next to (Y/N). The two watch as their brothers fight. Once again Techno winning.

"(Y/N) I know it's not your birthday or anything but I wanted to give you this." Wilbur said as he hands the girl a small box.

In the box was a tiara.

"Wil I-I don't know what to say." (Y/N) said looking at the delicate thing.

Wilbur hugged her tight.

"Don't say anything you deserve it." Wilbur said.

They two sat in a comfortable silence. Wilbur eventually playing his guitar.

End of flashback.

The little box was their on her dresser. She picked it up and traced the words on the box.

To my dear sister I hope you'll never forget me.

She would never forget her brothers with or without the gifts. They will always be family. And when worse comes to worse they would help each other. Right?

Meanwhile in Pogtopia:

Techno was in his potato room trying but failing to ignore his brothers fighting. He had to leave in an hours time to go to the festival.

Wilbur wanted to blow it to bits while Tommy didn't. How did it come to this? All he hoped is that he could get their sister out without being harmed.

He wished Phil was here. Phil would stop all this fighting and yelling. Between them and the voices it was to much.

The voices only wanted Blood. That's all they ever did. Except for certain people. They like Phil they used to like Tommy and Wilbur not anymore though.

But they still adored (Y/N) they always did. But one he found curious was Ranboo. He had only talked to the boy once but the voices loved the boy. Which was wired because they usually don't like new people.

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