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God what had happened (Y/N) didn't really know things just went by to quick for her. Tommy getting exiled, new L'manburg, Techno and Ranboo almost getting executed. And so much more.

But where was (Y/N)? Well the girl was there but not completely. After Wilburs death and her home begin blown up she stayed in the community house. She met Dream there. He had helped her.

But she wasn't with Dream today. Today she was showing around two new members with Purpled. Hannah and Foolish. Purpled knew Hannah so he was showing her around.

So (Y/N) got stuck with the totem hybrid. Not that she was complaining she actually really in joyed his company. She hadn't realized how much Dream had isolated her.

She hadn't talked to her brothers or friends in forever.

"Hey (Y/N) what's this red stuff?" Foolish asked motioning to a red vine.

"Uh honestly I don't know I think I heard Dream say something about an Egg that might be it." She said not really sure.

"Oh ok then." Foolish said quickly getting distracted by something else.

They made their way to the now abandoned L'manburg. She had heard that they had left L'manburg but hadn't been sure. Well this was proof.

"What is this place?" Foolish asked.

"A dead nation that was filled with terrible leaders." She said with no remorse for the dead nation.

She watched the tattered flag still fly. It had rips from weather but it felt fitting seeing how much the old nation had been through.

"Foolish how about we go back to the community house I bet we can have some lunch then maybe see if someone else can give you a better tour." She said

"Ok but I really liked yours." He said as they walked back to the community house.

When they got their (Y/N) immediately recognized the green hooded man. He was talking to Purpled who seemed like he wasn't having a fantastic time talking to him.

"Hey Dream what's up?" She asked getting between him and Purpled.

"Oh nothing (Y/N) just telling Purpled here how he should be more careful about what he says to new people." Dream said.

"Oh and what did he do?" She said distracting him while Purpled texted Punz  or Ponk to come get him.

"He was talking bad about some pretty important people." Dream said trying to deflect.

It was long till Ponk came in and saved the day by kindly asking Dream to fuck off or he would call Sam. That got Dream to leave real quick.

"Thanks for stalling (Y/N)." Purpled said relived.

"No problem." She said looking back over at Foolish who had gotten distracted by something. She texted Tubbo that she left something for him in the community house that being Foolish.

(Y/N) then went to one of Tommy's cobblestone towers and stayed there and thought over how much Dream had been manipulating her. He tried to manipulate Purpled.

She knew what she was going to have to do didn't mean she liked it. She just wanted to see her family again. She wanted to talk to Sam but didn't know where he was.


Our green blob friend was planning something with Bad who was posed by and Egg to help take down Tommy and (Y/N) what he didn't know is that it was going to be a lot harder then he thought.

A/N:  I'm sorry for not updating and the shitty chapter. But I can promise better chapters in the future and possibly updating more often.

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