Beginning (edited)

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TW:blood, explosives, gaslighting, kidnapping, severe injuries, death; If you see anything I should add put it in the comments I do read them!
CW: swearing a lot of it; same with the TW if I should add anything put it in the comments!

This is wholesome but at the same time a way for me to get out my angst without going full emo so enjoy my psycho ass going crazy and no this is not meant to be good

-Every story has a beginning this one begins not so long ago.-

It was a quite evening on the little farm Philza owned. He lived there with his three sons Wilbur, Technoblade, and Tommy.

All was peaceful. Techno and Wilbur where out playing in front of the house with wood swords. As the sunset it became cooler.

"Boys time to come in!" Phil called from the porch holding a 2 year old Tommy.

The two boys came running up leaving their swords on the porch. They came in and went to the kitchen where they knew dinner waited.

Meanwhile a young woman flees a village that chases her because she's a hybrid. They wanted to kill her and her child. Her husband had given his life for her and their child. In the distance she saw a small farm house.

She jumped the fence carefully with the baby. She ran up to the front porch and laid the child down. She knew the child wouldn't make it if she took it with her.

She quickly knocked on the door and ran. She ran as fast as possible but she wasn't fast enough.

~ meanwhile at the farm
Phil fed Tommy as Wilbur and Techno fought over if potato's or carrots where better.

Phil picked up Tommy and put the dishes in the sink to wash later. He put Tommy in his playpen in the living room while he went to go help Wilbur and Techno put dishes away.

As he was about to go help them he heard a soft cry he looked over at Tommy but he was playing happily with his toys.

He walked towards the sound and found it came from outside. There he found a small baby wrapped in a blanket he picked the baby up and brung it inside.

"Sh sh it's ok little one it's ok" Phil said to the crying baby.

The baby stopped crying and cooed at Phil and wrapped it's chubby little fingers around his finger.

He held the baby close as he closed the door. When he turned around there stood his oldest who is 6. Wilbur.

"Dad you really have to stop talking in every kid you see." He said sarcastically and walked over to the 4 year old Techno.

He stood slightly stunned at that but chuckled. He walked over to where the boys were playing.

~ 3 months later
By now she had a name by she the baby. (Y/N) she's the youngest of the four kids.
A year younger than Tommy 3 years younger than Techno and 5 years younger than Wilbur.

Philza had officially adopted her making her apart of their crazy little family.

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