The man with horns

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(Y/N) had finally made it after a 3 day trip to where the last known location of her brothers was. It was a nation with a black and red flag it was intimidating.

She walked towards it slowly. As she neared closer she felt like she was being followed. She knew she was being followed.

Then out of nowhere a man stood in front of her. He was tall but not to tall.

"Who are you?" He asked

"(Y/N) I'm looking for my brothers. Who are you?" (Y/N) asked.

"George. You need to come with me." He said motioning for her to follow him.

She followed him to the main part of the nation. It looked like people were decorating for some sort of festival.

She followed him into a building. Inside was a man with a beanie on his head, a boy in a suit who had small horns, and a man at a desk with ram like features.

"Well well well George what have you brought us?" The man at the desk asked.

"She's looking for her brothers and crossed the borders." George said.

"Wait what I didn't mean to I was only going to my brothers last known location." (Y/N) said quickly.

"Oh is that so? Who are your brothers?" The ram man asked

"I don't even know your name. Why should I tell you?" (Y/N) questioned feeling uneasy

"Pardon me I should have introduced us. I'm J Schlatt. That's Quackity. You've already meet George. And this is Tubbo." Schlatt said

(Y/N) looked at the boy in the suit. He looked so different than the Tubbo she knew. The boy that would make flower crowns with her and knew everything about bees. That was her Tubbo. This was not Tubbo. This boy wore a suit and looked serious. But she could look under it and still see her Tubbo.

"Tubbo is that really you?" (Y/N) asked

He looked up at her with eyes that had seen to much war to young. But it was still Tubbo.

"(Y/N) Watson?" He questioned

"Yeah!" She said running over to him giving him a bone crushing hug.

He hugged her back. 'Oh (Y/N) why are you here? Of all people why you?' He thought.

"Oh so you two know each other?" Schlatt questioned

"Yeah before I moved out here me her and Tommy where best friends!" Tubbo said but quickly regretted saying Tommy's name.

"So (Y/N) is it? Do you know Tommy Innit?" Schlatt questioned the girl.

She released Tubbo and looked at Schlatt.

"Well I should he's my brother as well as Wilbur Soot and Technoblade." (Y/N) said

Schlatt looked at her. This was the leverage he needed. But he shouldn't hurt her she has done nothing to wrong him. Or anyone for a matter of fact.

"Hmm well seeing as they are not here you are welcome to stay. I'll have someone show you where you can stay." Schlatt said

She nodded and glanced back at Tubbo he looked worried. Schlatt called up a very tall boy named Ranboo to show her where she could stay.

"So your related to Tommy and the others?" Ranboo asked

"Adopted but yes." (Y/N) answered. Ranboo hummed at her answer.

"So Ranboo where are you from and I know your not completely human so if you don't mind what are you?" (Y/N) asked

"Your sure curious aren't you? Well I'm not from here the overworld. And I'm part Enderman. It's why I don't like water or being looked in the eyes I also have short term memory loss." Ranboo answered happily

"Cool!" She said making Ranboo smile.

Ranboo dropped her off at one of the houses at the border of Manburg seeing as it was one of the few not occupied at the moment.

She went inside and it was quite cosy. She put her belongings away deciding this would be a good home base to look for her brothers.

She could ask about them tomorrow but for now she was tired and needed some well deserved rest.

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