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Bad things were happening. Everyone felt it. The air felt stiff like it was before a war. Something was happening and it wasn't going to be good.

Then the message came. 'I want out. Your getting me out (Y/N)' from Dream

Well shit. She didn't want to but she had to. She made a deal. This deal would probably mean death to her but Dream didn't break promises. Right?

She calmly walked to the prison holding 9 stacks of  T.N.T in her bag. She knew what she had to do to protect those who she loved.

It broke her knowing she had to do this but maybe Dream would help with the egg problem. He'd have to.

So she slowly made her way to the top of the prison. She didn't know someone was visiting.

If she had known she wouldn't have done it then. But she didn't know. She didn't know.

She set the T.N.T and set the red stone then walked back and walked placed a button. It went off. The sound of the T.N.T rang through the SMP even if they didn't know it yet they would.

Dream's P.O.V.
I watched as Tommy rambled about this begin his last visit. It would be his last visit but he wasn't leaving. At least not alive. Not yet.

I waited till I heard the T.N.T go off. I felt it and I knew (Y/N) had done it. I would wait let him get comfortable then strike.

"Sam! Sam what was that?! Sam let me out! I want out! Sam!" Tommy yelled.

It was annoying really. He wouldn't leave. Not yet I needed him. I need to know if that book really works.

I know my Mom and Brother will hate me if they already don't. But especially Foolish. He had warned me from resurrecting anyone.

But I had to know. I apologize brother. I apologize mom. But I have to do this.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
1 day later
(Y/N) sat in Snowchester watching as Tubbo and Ranboo coaxed their adopted son into their house.

It was entertaining and a good distraction from what she had done. Sam had came to her at the bench and told her Tommy had been trapped in the prison.

He wasn't supposed to be caught in the crossfire but he was. All she could do is wait for him.

Ranboo sighed loudly as Michael, their son, ran around. Tubbo and Ranboo gave up trying to get him in the house and instead just sat with (Y/N).

"Being a parent is hard." Tubbo complained.

(Y/N) chuckled at the goat hybrid. He gave the girl a joking glare.

"I think we need a bigger house Tubbo." Ranboo commented.

"I think one of the people who lives here can help with that." Tubbo said referring to the local builder.

"Oh yeah that Foolish guy! But isn't he building something already?" Ranboo asked.

"Yeah but I'm sure he wouldn't mind!" Tubbo said happily.

The three sat there talking watching Michale play in the snow. When the piglin kid got tired Ranboo got up and headed inside leaving Tubbo and (Y/N) to talk.

"(Y/N) I want to ask you something." Tubbo said facing the girl.

"What about?" The girl asked.

"Will you be Michale's God Mother? I know it's sudden but I don't trust many others and highly doubt Tommy could take care of a kid." Tubbo asked.

"I would be honored to. Thank you for asking me Tubbo." (Y/N) said hugging him. He returned it.

Tubbo left to go home for the night. He had invited the dragon hybrid but she declined. Instead she decided to go for a walk.

She headed back to the main SMP where she sighed seeing the red vines. She didn't really know what to think of it really. It just had bad vibes she decided.

She walked to the crater that would be L'manburg. She sat on the ledge and just looked down.

She then stood up and spread her wings. It felt so good. She remembered the good times when her and her brothers were kids. When her brothers weren't soldiers and just boys.

She missed those days when she sat on the porch after a long day and watched the sun set as Tommy and Techno play fought in the last sliver of daylight.

She missed when Philza would pick her up and set her on his knee while Wilbur played his guitar. She missed those days when the biggest thing she had to care about is if Tommy took the last of the lemonade.

She opened her eyes. When had she started crying? She wiped her eyes and left. She didn't want to go to her house or Tommy's. So she went to church prime.

She grabbed some of the spare blankets that everyone kept in their and laid on one of the benches.

Little did she know what was coming. Little did she know she was going to get caught in a time scandal. Little did she know what was about to happen.

A/N: Thank You everyone for all the support! It means so much!

Quackity's P.O.V.
"I told you Karl I wasn't crazy!" Big Q
"What the honk?!" Karlos
"Boys please leave and Quackity you have to stop doing this." Me
"I don't think I will!" Big Q
"This is so honking cool! Hi author!" Karlos
"Hi Karl. Now shoo." Me
"Hi readers I'm here because your author refuses to put me and my fiancé's in the book!" Big Q
"Author calm down." Karlos
"Ok... yeah ok." Me
"Just ok warp this up will you?" Me
"Of course!" Big Q
"Hi reader's! If you haven't drank anything try just a little something if you haven't ate just a bit! You are doing so good!" Big Q
"We are so proud of you!" Karlos
Quackity and Karl hug you then leave.
"See you later reader!" Big Q yells while him and Karlos walk away.

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