I am sorry

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(Y/N) woke up in a white room. It wasn't bright though just white. There was a person at a desk focused on what they were doing. There was a chair in front of the desk and (Y/N) sat in it.

The person stopped what they were doing and looked at (Y/N).

"I've been waiting for you."

"I know."

"What took you so long?"

"I was scared. Who are you may I ask?"

"Ah well some call me the author. Others call me the devil."

"Oh do you have a name though?"

"Yes End of days. But you can call me End."

"Why am I here?"

"I'm afraid dear our time here is up."

"But I still have so much to do!"

"I know dear I know but other stories are waiting to be written. And though your friends will miss you and people will hate me it's time for something new."


"Now that dear I can't tell you."

"Can I ask you something."

"Yes anything."

"How old are you really."

"Well it depends who you ask. Some say I'm older than time themself. Others say I'm very young."

"What will happen to me?"

"You'll get a new life like you always do dear. No soul truly dies. They just get put someplace new."

"Will I be happy?"

"I can't tell you or that will spoil the surprise."

"Oh ok."

"Now dear go to sleep and everything will be ok."

"Goodnight End."

"Goodbye (Y/N)"

A note from Quackity:
We may be parting ways but please don't forget me. You are loved. You are valid. You deserve happiness. Don't let people get in the way of what you love.

                                        Alexis Quackity
P.S. Eat some food

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