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[play the music when it says to]

i see elizabeth and decide to go sit next to her. 

half the day has passed already, its lunch time my last meal before trying to escape, something i'm dreading. i can't stop thinking about the thought of vinnie not making it, leaving me alone. 

"why didn't you sit with me at breakfast?" elizabeth asks, once i sit down.  "i don't know i was just tired i guess" i lie. i know the reason i didn't sit next to her. i feel like i might accidentally slip it out while i'm talking to her. 

"oh ok" she responds. "today marks 5 months left until you leave" she tries to lighten the mood. "yeah i'm ready to be out of here" i say with a smile, trying to sound as convincing as possible. she smiles back and continues to eat. i don't say much after. 

i try to eat the meal they have, to distract to me from my thoughts, but the food is really disgusting either way.

after a couple of minutes, the prison guard calls all of us to go back. i sigh knowing only a couple of more hours before i escape. 

"bye kyra i'll see you later" elizabeth waves at me. "goodbye i'll miss you" i hug her one last time. i know i'm leaving later but she doesn't know that. 

i wonder if after i'm out of here if i'll ever see her again. she was one of my closest friends in freshman year, she left the next and i never got to see her again, until now. i know i'll miss her. 

the prison guard walks me back to my cell. he takes the handcuffs off me and locks my cell again. 

i go sit on the bed and turn to see vinnie. 

"your back finally" he exclaims. that's the first thing hes said to me all day. i shrug off the thought. "i got the keys" he holds them up so i can see. "don't worry there's a copy key for your cell so they won't notice" he tells me.

"and here's this one the key for the back room" he hands me both the keys. "okay" i reply with a short response still not wanting to think of what could happen. "are you okay?" vinnie asks, "yeah i'm fine" i look at the ceiling so he will stop asking. "no your not what's wrong?" he asks. 

"i'm just scared of not seeing you again" i look at him, "like i said last night if i don't make it you have to forget about me don't come back for me, move on, think of me as a happy childhood memory, and move on with your life, do you promise you'll do that for me?" i nod my head, my eyes already filling up with tears. 

"don't cry for me, i'm here right now, get some rest okay?" he smiles, "okay" i whisper. i look away from him.

i try not to think of the outcome.

i decide to listen to him and fall asleep. sleeping will distract me from my thoughts. 


i opens my eyes, looking at the prison guard who's standing at my cell door. he sees me up and begins to open my door. while hes doing that, i put the keys in my bra to hide them. 

i stand up, and get a nervous feeling in my stomach. the guard puts handcuffs on me and walks me to the cafeteria. once i get there i rush to get my food and go sit at a table alone.

i sit in the corner of the room closest to the little hall where the closet is i'm supposed to go in. i see elizabeth and look away fast so she don't come sit over here. i look away and start picking at me food. i see her go sit at another table with a group of people. 

i dread the minutes leading down to leave.i try to eat to forget the nervous feeling in my stomach. no one sits near me or on this side, so i should be fine for the escape. 

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