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i wake up the next day. emily knocks on the door. "come in" i tell her. she opens the door. "hey good morning" she tells me. "good morning" i say back.

"so i was gonna ask which apartment do you want i have all these choices" she hands me her phone and i start sliding through the pictures. these are places i've never imagined living in my whole life.

"these are all beautiful" i tell her. "it's so hard to choose i've never even lived that nice before" i say. "you will love it" she tells me. "i think i want this one" i show her the third one she has listed.

it's a nice 3 bedroom with a bunch of windows a nice living room and kitchen area it's just perfect.

"wow this one is nice, okay we'll im gonna call them and they'll have it ready by today sometime, after this call we can go shopping if you'd like" she says.

"okay and we can" i tell her. "good i'll be back you can shower if you'd like and get ready i have some clothes and extra things if you need anything" she tells me. "thank you" i tell her.

some time goes by and im ready to go. emily knocks on my door, i open the door for her. "hey" i tell her. "hi, just comign in to ask if you're ready?" she asks. "yes i am" "okay well let's go" she smiles

we get in the uber and the uber drops us off at these nice outlet malls. emily tells me i can choose wherever i wanna go first.

i choose a store we go in and i start looking around and find some nice outfits. "we also need to buy you some business clothes i know a perfect store" emily tells me.

a couple hours go by and we're done shopping, "i have a surprise" she tells me, "what is it?" i ask. "your apartments ready" she tells me. "im excited" i tell her.

we get an Uber to my new place. when we get there we walk into the building and we get into the elevator.

we go up to my floor, and we walk to find my place. we finally find it and i walk in. i look around and it looks perfect.

"i love it" i tell emily. it already has furniture and everything for me. "thank you so much" i look at emily and give her a big hug. "of course i'll be here always if you ever need anything" i hug her again.

"well i'll leave you here um here's my number for when you set up your phone" she gives me a slip of paper with her number on it. "thank you again" i tell her before she leaves.

after i finish putting all my new clothes away and everything else i text her and ask if i can start my job tmr. hopefully im good being pregnant at work just bc im starting to feel a lot of things and emotions and it's not easy.

i just wish vinnie could be here by my side helping me through everything but he's not. i wonder where he is and when he'll see me again, i still have hope.

the next day i wake up early and start to get ready. michael told me to dress nice today because there will be a lot of meeting today and on meeting days assistants are supposed to dress nice instead of just wearing a business outfit.

i shower, do my makeup, then i put on a black dress and black heels.

i check my phone and see that my ubers here. i go to the elevator to downstairs and then get into my uber.

we get to the place, someone opens my door for me. it's a really nice work place i walk into the building and see a bunch of people i don't know.

i walk around kinda awkward really confused. then i finally see michael, i walk up to him. "hey kyra" he greets me. "hi" i say back. "okay so i need to give you a pin with your name on it just so ppl know you work here and aren't here for buisness meetings" he tells me.

i follow him to this room he hands me my pin and i put it on. "so i'm gonna show you where youre gonna be and what you're gonna do" he tells me. we walk back to the main lobby.

someone calls after michael. "hey i was wondering if you could help us" they asked. "yes give me one second" he then turns to me. "kaya go up to the 15th floor and go down the hall to the left then turn right at the end of it and on your left there is finna be like a little area where someone else is gonna be and tell them your name and that i sent you and they'll tell you what you need to know" he tells me.

"okay thank you" fuck why would he leave me by myself. i find the elevators and go up. i arrive on the 15th floor. i turn left like he said i see some other ppl walking.

i get to the end of the hall and turn right. i walk for a couple more then i see the area he was talking about and i see a guy behind a desk.

"hi" i say. "hi what's your number" he asks, "um what?" i ask. "your number to get into the meeting?" he says like im stupid. well maybe i am. actually he is because i work here im not some meeting person. "i work here" i tell him. "oh your the new assistant michael sent up here."

"yeah" i say. "okay well come stand back her with me open that door right there and it leads you to back behind this counter" he tells me.

i open the door and there's this little room like space then you walk behind the counter.

"so basically what you do is you stand here with me all day asking ppl for theyre numbers and hand them they're name that has the matching number and make thirty an hour" he tells me.

it doesn't sound too bad. "okay sounds good" i tell him. "yeah it sounds good until you get bored" he tells me. "but you work with me now so it shouldn't be like that" he tells me. "nice um so your names brandon?" i dya reading his name tag. "yes, and kyra?" he asks. "yeah that's me"

well nice to meet you kyra. brandon has brown hair with a clean cut, blue eyes, and he looks muscular. he isn't really bad looking but i'd never want him because i have vinnie.

the day was long me and brandon talked more and got to know more about each other. we get a lunch break and some other breaks so it wasn't too bad.

i change into pjs and go to sleep.

(a/n)2 updates in one day yes.

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