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the day goes by kinda fast. the one day that i look forward to, the day decides to go fast. any other day goes by slow. at least i only have 10 months left here. 10 months still seems like forever though.

i sit on my bed waiting for vinnie to get back from dinner. i just arrived back and i said goodbye to elizabeth until tomorrow. she ended up telling me happy birthday one last time before tomorrow.

vinnies cell door opens, snapping me out of my thoughts. since vinnie is back i finally get to know what my gift is, i'm kinda excited but also a little nervous to see what it is.

"soo your back finally" i say as i lay down so he can see me through the hole.

he smiles and looks over at me, and lays down.

"so what's my gift?" i can't help but ask him.
i've been eager to know all day. "well, it's not very big gift but it's something you'll like in this hell"

"at least it's better than this cell" i tell him. he smiles.

i mean even if it's not big, he still thought of me, it's the thought that counts.

"here you go" he hands me a package of chocolate donuts.

so he was listening to my problems and remembered about the chocolate donuts? he must actually care about me.

i look at the donuts amazed, i'm excited to eat these. these will really help, through this hard time right now.

"omg, you remembered" i look at the wrapper, all the memories a package holds.

"so well igz those can count as a birthday cake/birthday gift" he laughs. "yea" i smile looking at them.

"i've been craving these" i say excitedly, as i sit up to eat them, he sits up as well. we can't see each other anymore, but we still talk.

i open the package and put one in my mouth. i taste the good sweetness of the donut that i've missed. it was real food and not something, that's slimy and smells disgusting.

"mhmm, it's good just like i remember them" i laugh trying to talk with a full mouth. i finish chewing that one.

"better than this disgusting prison food that's for sure" he tells me.

"yup, have you ever had one" i ask him. "actually no" my eyes widen in shock, "omg you need to try one, here" i take a donut out of the package and put my hand through the hole to hand it to him.

i feel his hand touch mine as he grabs it.


i feel kyras hand, im not supposed to cross my hand over, nor allowed to touch her, but it felt good.

i smile at the donut and put it in my mouth.

the donut tastes sweet and better than prison food. it's better what than what ive ever had in the prison, it's also the best dessert, well it's only the best dessert cause it's kyras favorite.

"it's really good" i tell her, as i finish chewing.

she giggles. how is she so perfect.


"i told you they were good"

"their even better when their stale" i mention, "they probably aren't that great when their stale but i guess you can say that" he laughs. "one day your just gonna have to try them stale and i'll prove it to you" i laugh.

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