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(a/n play song when it says to)
vinnies pov

it's been about thirty minutes and i've finally come up with a plan.

i'm going to escape when kyra gets out and all i'll need to do is run away with her and we'll get the future we wanted.

but part of me thinks i need to stay here she needs to move on from me and i would just be dragging her with me.

i keep thinking more on what i want to do, then out of no where i start seeing smoke going through the hall way and into my cell.

i go and try to see out through the hallway and i see a bunch of smoke, its a lot where i can't really see far down the hall.

fuck. is the building on fire? i try opening my cell door. but it wouldn't open.

i then heard an officer start running down the hall, "what's happening" i yell to the officer. "fire" he yells back before running off. "wait come back" i yell. i watch as he runs off into the smoke.

fuck fuck fuck.

i start banging on the door, "someone help" i kept banging. i then think of kyra. she's trapped too. i need to get out and save her, if i don't she'll die here.

i start hitting the door harder, come on i can open my cell. i don't feel as strong as i usually do though because the medication hasn't worn off.

"fuck" i yell banging on the cell again.

i see another officer run by, "help me please i need to save someone please" i tell to the officer as if they would even care. fuck.

it starts to become more filled with smoke, and i start coughing, now i have to get out. i have to save kyra.

kyras pov

i wake up and see smoke filling my cell and hall. i get up and and rush to the cell door.

i bang on it, "help help" i yell. i start coughing, fuck i need to find a way to get out. i try picking the lock.

this is never going to work. i bang some more. then i see and officer coming close, "can you please help i'm stuck and i need-" the officer runs by ignoring me.

"no please come back please i need you" i start coughing again. i start banging on the cell, i have to get out of here, this is not how i'm gonna die.

vinnies pov
(a/n play song)

i finally hit the cell and open the door. i run out and start calling for kyra. "kyra" i yell out and i don't hear any response. i run up and down the halls looking for her.

i hear a bunch of people calling for help but all i'm looking for is kyra. i keep yelling her name and i still don't hear a response.

she has to be here somewhere. "kyra" i keep yelling. i start coughing as i get close and closer to the fire.

she has to be close to the fire if she wasn't anywhere else, i keep hope in me that she's still alive and i'm gonna save her.

as i get closer to the fire it gets even harder to catchy my breathe. i lean again the wall and try to catch my breathe. i need to save kyra come on vinnie you can do it. just stay alive.

i start running again and looking for her.

kyras pov

i keep coughing and fall to the ground. "help" i yell trying to stay alive, "someone please help" i cough.

i start to close my eyes. this is it, this is how i'm
going to die. too week to open a fucking cell door. what an embarrassing way to die.

even if i do make it out vinnie is probably already dead and who knows what will happen if i make it our right now, i'll probably end up back in another prison so maybe this is a good thing.

vinnies pov

"kyra" i yell one last time. "help" i hear someone call i start running towards the fire, that's her voice i know it is. "someone please" she yells again.

i run past a couple of more cells then i see her, i smile knowing i'll be able to save her. "kyra" i say, "vinnie?" she says. "i'm gonna get you out okay" i tell her. i try to open the cell. "okay just stay awake okay" i tell her. "okay" she coughs.

"stay awake i'll be back i'm gonna go find a key" i tell her, "wait" she coughs, i lean down to her, "i love you" she reaches her hand through the bars. i grab her hand, "don't say that your gonna get out of here" i kiss her hand.

"vinnie i can't" she coughes. "yes you can, i'll be back" i let go of her hand and run to find an officer.

i keep running until i see an officer who's laying on the ground i think dead.

i grab the keys and run back to kyras cell. i open her cell. "kyra" i shake her. "no no no" i feel my eyes start to water.

"no you can't die" i lift her up. "i love you" i say and kiss her lips.

i start to run trying to find a way out. "is there no exit or anything what the fuck" i yell out of anger.

i start coughing and things start to get blurry. no i need to get out of here, i need to save kyra, all i care about is kyra, she needs to make it out of here.

i run through a hallway and see a door on the end of it. i start running towards it faster. i finally get to the door and open it.

i make it out and lay kyra on the ground. i stare at her for a couple of seconds before falling to the ground and passing out.

a/n forgot to publish this yesterday but here you go next update won't be til monday since i'll be busy

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